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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 1161 to 1180 of 9722 results in 487 pages.
Publication cover
August 2021 |
  • Loría, Eduardo
  • Rojas, Susana
  • Martínez, Eduardo

The sensitivity of unemployment to economic activity in the Mexican States (from the beginning of 2004 to the first half of 2018) was evaluated on...

Publication cover
August 2021 |
  • Paulo, Evânio Mascarenhas
  • Tabosa, Francisco José Silva
  • Khan, Ahmad Saeed
  • Rocha, Leonardo Andrade

This article considers certain dimensions of the quality of employment in Brazil, particularly in rural zones. It starts from the perception of...

Publication cover
August 2021 |
  • Castillo, José Gabriel
  • Zhangallimbay, Donald

The standard social discount rate of 12% applied by planning institutions and multilateral agencies when evaluating public projects is a constant...

Publication cover
August 2021 |
  • Feijó, Carmem Aparecida
  • Punzo, Lionello Franco
  • Tostes Lamonica, Marcos

This paper discusses different growth trajectories in a selection of Latin American economies, namely Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico,...

Publication cover
August 2021 |
  • Velázquez Orihuela, Daniel

The economic globalization that began in the late 1970s and early 1980s has generated job insecurity for workers. This coincides with two trends:...

Publication cover
August 2021
Publication cover
August 2021 |
  • Fernández A., Andrés
  • Jiménez Rodríguez, Ronulfo

According to official data (based on the income poverty line), 20% of households in Costa Rica were poor in 1994, a figure that has apparently not...

Publication cover
August 2021 |
  • Junior, Álvaro Alves de Moura
  • Vartanian, Pedro Raffy
  • Racy, Joaquim Carlos

This article assesses the importance of using the Grubel-Lloyd (GL) index as a tool to reveal trends in foreign direct investment (FDI). The index...

Publication cover
August 2021 |
  • Gonçalves, Marcos Falcão
  • Neves, Mateus de Carvalho Reis
  • Braga, Marcelo José

This paper seeks to determine the leading sectors of the economy of the North-East region of Brazil based on input-output matrix methodology and...

Publication cover
August 2021 |
  • Ortiz Benavides, Edinson
  • Núñez Velásquez, José Javier

This study aims to provide an approach to concepts and ways of measuring ethnicity and social exclusion that can be generalized to any context and...

Publication cover
August 2021 |
  • Cecchini, Simone
  • Villatoro S., Pablo
  • Mancero, Xavier

This article assesses the impact of conditional cash transfers, social pensions and other non-contributory transfers on different indicators of...

Publication cover
August 2021 |
  • Barozet, Emmanuelle
  • Contreras, Dante
  • Espinoza, Vicente
  • Gayo, Modesto
  • Méndez, María Luisa

En este documento se abordan las características y la vulnerabilidad de las clases medias en Chile, temática que ha cobrado gran relevancia en el...

Publication cover
August 2021 |
  • Dini, Marco
  • Gligo, Nicolo
  • Patiño, Alejandro

En esta publicación se brindan a los encargados de formular políticas de fomento productivo herramientas conceptuales y prácticas para analizar el...

Publication cover
August 2021 |
  • Aramendis, Rafael H.
  • Rodríguez, Adrián G.

La bioeconomía tiene un papel preponderante en las recomendaciones de la Misión Internacional de Sabios Colombia 2019, debido al enorme potencial...

Publication cover
August 2021 |
  • Tudela, Fernando

La Red Iberoamericana de Oficinas de Cambio Climático (RIOCC), cuya creación se estableció en el IV Foro Iberoamericano de Ministros de Medio...

Publication cover
August 2021 |

This document examines the global and regional evolution of FDI and offers recommendations so these flows can contribute to the region’s...

Publication cover
August 2021

La crisis ocasionada por la enfermedad por coronavirus ha golpeado fuertemente a la región en materia económica y social. La Organización Mundial...

Publication cover
August 2021 |
  • Díaz, Rodrigo Mariano
  • Valdés Figueroa, Luis
  • Pérez, Gabriel

The present edition of the FAL Bulletin analyses the potential opportunities and challenges of the implementation of blockchain technology for...