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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 1781 to 1800 of 9703 results in 486 pages.
Publication cover
December 2019 |
  • Allain, Marcelo

Este estudo analisa quais alterações nos instrumentos financeiros são recomendadas ou foram feitas para viabilizar uma expansão dos investimentos...

Publication cover
December 2019

Haïti est un cas emblématique, une situation in extremis pour analyser et discuter sur la Coopération internationale pour le développement. Après...

Publication cover
December 2019 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

For many countries, the acceleration of integration into the global economy and multilateral trading system provides an opportunity to access a...

Publication cover
December 2019 |
  • Amar, Anahí
  • Torchinsky Landau, Matías

El estudio de las cadenas globales y regionales de valor se ha enfocado principalmente en Asia, América del Norte y Europa, sus principales...

Publication cover
December 2019 |

En este documento se presentan los resultados de una evaluación de sitios potenciales para implementar proyectos piloto de biodigestores en El...

Publication cover
December 2019 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

The United Nations Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics (UNFPOS) are considered the basic framework that National Statistical Systems (...

Publication cover
December 2019 |

En este documento se presenta la información más reciente disponible sobre las principales variables demográficas, sociales, socioeconómicas, de...

Publication cover
December 2019 |
  • Medeiros, Victor
  • Godoi, Lucas Gonçalves
  • Teixeira, Evandro Camargos

This paper seeks to make a comparative and econometric analysis of competitiveness in developing countries, identifying its determinants and...

Publication cover
December 2019

Competitiveness and its determinants: a systemic analysis for developing countries / Victor Medeiros, Lucas Gonçalves Godoi and Evandro Camargos...

Publication cover
December 2019 |
  • Paiva, Pedro Henrique de Abreu
  • Bacha, Carlos José Caetano

This article analyses the GDP shares of the agriculture sector and the hydrocarbon and mining sector in the South American countries between 1960...

Publication cover
December 2019 |
  • Ernst, Christoph
  • Epifanio, Daniele
  • Rojo Brizuela, Sofía

The Argentine economy has been becoming greener because of a new political orientation, international commitments (the Paris Agreement and the...

Publication cover
December 2019 |
  • Souza, Helson Gomes de
  • Tabosa, Francisco José Silva
  • Araujo, Jair Andrade

This study sets out to obtain values for the income elasticities and inequality of poverty in urban and rural areas of the Brazilian states. A...

Publication cover
December 2019 |
  • Blanco, Osvaldo
  • Julián, Dasten

This article presents a proposal for defining and measuring precarious employment. We begin by relating this phenomenon to the changing faces of...

Publication cover
December 2019 |
  • Astorquiza Bustos, Bilver Adrián
  • Chingal, Oscar Armando

Life expectancy has increased considerably over the last 50 years; and population pyramids have inverted as the number of older people has grown....

Publication cover
December 2019 |
  • Ruiz, José Luis
  • Tapia, Pablo
  • Donoso, José

This study simulates the social and economic effects of introducing reverse mortgages in Chile. It uses the 2009 Social Protection Survey and...

Publication cover
December 2019 |
  • Lalanne, Alvaro

Este documento realiza una revisión de algunos textos recientes que dan cuenta de tendencias en el sistema de comercio internacional relevantes...

Publication cover
December 2019 |
  • Ahmad, Ehtisham
  • Brosio, Giorgio
  • Jiménez, Juan Pablo

There is growing recognition that expanded reliance on property taxation would facilitate the achievement of sustainable development goals,...

Publication cover
December 2019 |
  • Pontarollo, Nicola
  • Mendieta, Rodrigo
  • Ontaneda, Diego

This paper identifies the determinants of per capita gross value added (GVA) growth in Ecuador during the 2007–2015 period, using a spatial...

Publication cover
December 2019 |
  • Cuevas, Víctor M.
  • Calderón Villarreal, Cuauhtémoc

This paper employs a vector error correction methodology to investigate the long-term determinants of consumer goods inflation and industrial...

Publication cover
December 2019 |
  • Muinelo-Gallo, Leonel
  • Urraburu Bordon, Joana
  • Castro Scavone, Pablo

This article conducts an empirical analysis of the role of intergovernmental transfers in a group of regions (departments) in Uruguay during the...