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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 2341 to 2360 of 9703 results in 486 pages.
Publication cover
December 2017 |
  • Caffera, Marcelo
  • D’Agosti, Natalia

En años recientes, Uruguay ha tenido emisiones netas negativas (captura) de carbono (CO2), lo que deriva en una externalidad positiva para el...

Publication cover
December 2017 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Comercio Internacional e Integración

This first edition of International Trade Outlook for Latin America and the Caribbean, which is the continuation of Latin America and the...

Publication cover
December 2017 |

En este documento se presenta un panorama demográfico y social sobre la situación en América Latina de las personas afrodescendientes, una...

Publication cover
December 2017 |
Publication cover
December 2017 |
  • Rodríguez Vignoli, Jorge

The gradual abatement of rural-urban migration in Latin America and the Caribbean is leading to growing prevalence of migration between cities, a...

Publication cover
December 2017 |
  • Araujo, Jair Andrade
  • Marinho, Emerson
  • Campêlo, Guaracyane Lima

We use panel data for Brazilian states from 1995 to 2009 to analyse the impact of economic growth and income inequality on poverty change in...

Publication cover
December 2017 |
  • Cano, Liliana

This paper uses data from individual income tax returns to explore the redistributive effect of personal income tax in Ecuador between 2007 and...

Publication cover
December 2017 |
  • Vega Núñez, Adriana Patricia

The study analyses the transitions between the formal and informal labour markets using longitudinal data for Ecuador. First, we use transition...

Publication cover
December 2017 |
  • Leiva, Juan Carlos
  • Monge Rodríguez, Ricardo
  • Rodríguez-Alvarez, Juan Antonio

Policymakers often look for ways to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) by multinational corporations (MNCs). This paper estimates the impact...

Publication cover
December 2017 |
  • Ferrada, Luz María

Logit, binary and multinomial models are used in this study to determine the impact of objective and perceived working conditions on workers’ job...

Publication cover
December 2017 |
  • Rozo, Carlos A.
  • Maldonado, Norma

National strategies aimed at boosting economic growth following the global financial crisis have spawned monetary imbalances between industrial...

Publication cover
December 2017 |
  • Pebe, Carol
  • Radas, Norally
  • Torres, Javier

This study seeks to determine whether access to a larger volume of funds from the mining canon affects the level of capital spending by district...

Publication cover
December 2017 |
  • Nassif, André
  • Feijó, Carmem Aparecida
  • Araújo, Eliane

The “optimum” long-run real exchange rate is the rate that will efficiently channel production resources into industries that generate and diffuse...

Publication cover
December 2017 |
  • Bitrán, Eduardo
  • Duarte, Fabián
  • Fernandes, Dalila
  • Villena, Marcelo

In 2012, a Guaranteed Health Plan for the private health system was submitted to the Chilean National Congress, with the aim of offering a...

Publication cover
December 2017
Publication cover
December 2017

Este documento es el primer número del informe bianual sobre el mercado laboral en la subregión de Centroamérica y la República Dominicana (CARD...

Publication cover
December 2017 |
NU. CEPAL. Subsede de México

Como en ediciones anteriores, la presente actualización de los «Indicadores sociales básicos de la Subregión Norte de América Latina y el Caribe...

Publication cover
December 2017 |
NU. CEPAL. Oficina de Washington

The total amount of debt issued by LAC borrowers from January to November 2017 reached US$ 138 billion, the highest annual amount ever issued in...

Publication cover
December 2017 |
  • Rojas Navarrete, Manuel

En este documento se presenta la información completa de la industria eléctrica de los ocho países que conforman el Sistema de la Integración...

Publication cover
December 2017 |

Desde la última entrega del Panorama del desarrollo territorial en América Latina y el Caribe, a principios de 2015 hasta la fecha, han acontecido...