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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 21 to 40 of 2456 results in 123 pages.
Publication cover
December 2023 |
  • Espejo, Andrés
  • Trujillo-Salazar, Lucía
  • Figueroa, Nincen
  • Caillaux, Edmundo
  • Robles, Claudia

La crisis de desarrollo que atraviesa la región de América Latina y el Caribe, junto con los importantes y complejos cambios que están ocurriendo...

Publication cover
December 2023

A focus on early childhood is crucial for any inclusive social development strategy. Notwithstanding legislative and scientific progress and new...

Publication cover
December 2023

El presente documento constituye la memoria del Tercer Seminario Regional de Desarrollo Social “Promover la inclusión laboral como una forma de...

Publication cover
February 2024 |
  • Servières, Laurie
  • Maldonado Valera, Carlos
  • Gilbert, Randolph

Ti dokiman sa a prezante yon rezime sou leson ki nan fòmasyon adistans “Pwoteksyon ak pwomosyon sosyal” la. Se Komisyon Ekonomik pou Amerik Latin...

Publication cover
December 2023 |

This edition of the Social Panorama of Latin America and the Caribbean addresses the challenges of labour inclusion as a key axis for inclusive...

Publication cover
December 2023 |
  • Holz, Raúl
  • Maldonado Valera, Carlos
  • Quezada, Susana
  • Robles, Claudia
  • Soto de la Rosa, Humberto

Los sistemas universales, integrales, sostenibles y resilientes de protección social permiten garantizar un nivel de bienestar para todas las...

Publication cover
December 2023

The study of labour market inclusion serves to analyse the processes whereby people join the labour market and the characteristics of the jobs...

Publication cover
December 2023 |
  • Arenas de Mesa, Alberto

Social protection was extensively discussed at the 1995 World Summit for Social Development. Over 75 years, the Economic Commission for Latin...

Publication cover
December 2023 |
  • Trucco, Daniela

Education is fundamental to the achievement of inclusive and sustainable economic and social development and more just and cohesive societies....

Publication cover
December 2023 |
  • Cecchini, Simone

In Latin America and the Caribbean, where every country is a country of origin, destination, return or transit, international migration is...

Publication cover
December 2023 |
  • Bidegain Ponte, Nicole
  • Güezmes, Ana
  • Scuro Somma, Lucía

This article reviews the conceptual contributions of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) to the understanding of...

Publication cover
November 2023 |
  • Morales, Beatriz

Las políticas de protección social, al abordar riesgos que enfrenta toda la población y riesgos específicos a lo largo del ciclo de vida, a fin de...

Publication cover
October 2023 |
  • Vega, Pilar

En este documento se proponen algunas bases conceptuales, teóricas y técnicas, desde la perspectiva de los derechos humanos, para la implantación...

Publication cover
October 2023 |

Os consórcios públicos interfederativos têm assumido um protagonismo crescente no Brasil. Isto ocorre desde a década de 1960, mas, acentua-se,...

Publication cover
October 2023 |

The draft programme of work of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) for 2025 is hereby submitted to the member...

Publication cover
October 2023 |

In a global context of cascading crises and great uncertainty, Latin America and the Caribbean continues to face structural problems such as...

Publication cover
October 2023 |
  • Egaña-delSol, Pablo
  • Gutiérrez Crocco, Francisca
  • Contreras, Dante
  • Paredes, Valentina
  • Serrudo, Luis

El propósito de este estudio es proporcionar análisis y datos actuales sobre el estado del mercado laboral en Chile y los riesgos que plantea el...

Publication cover
March 2024 |
  • Espíndola, Ernesto
  • Suárez, José Ignacio

In recent decades, rapid technological progress has generated a growing interest in the transformation of the world of work. This concern is based...

Publication cover
October 2023 |
  • Chávez Molina, Eduardo

La cuarta revolución industrial trae consigo particularidades en cuanto a las nuevas estrategias empresariales. Profundizada por la automatización...