The 2016 version of Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America and the Caribbean is the most recent edition of an annual series published by the...
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Defining deindustrialization as a situation of falling share of manufacturing employment and value added in total employment and GDP, respectively...
En este documento se presentan, en una primera instancia, las restricciones detectadas a lo largo de la cadena de valor del snack nutritivo...
An on-line survey of experts was conducted to solicit their views on policy priorities in the area of information and communication technologies (...
Los artículos reunidos en este documento se basan en las ponencias y comentarios de los expertos que participaron en el seminario regional...
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Tengo el placer de presentarles la nueva versión del catálogo de publicaciones de la Comisión Económica para...
La minería en Chile presenta grandes potencialidades para desarrollar encadenamientos productivos, tanto hacia atrás como hacia adelante. Esto se...
Prebisch believed that understanding the evolution of capitalist economies over time and in different contexts required a general cycle approach,...
Since the 1970s, Brazilian agriculture has undergone far-reaching changes and has played a major role in agricultural production worldwide. This...
El documento tiene como objetivo informar sobre el proceso de cambio estructural en el medio rural en países de América Latina y el Caribe durante...
En este documento se analiza la problemática del desarrollo basado en industrias de commodities. Al respecto se postula que los enfoques...
This report examines the usage of digital currency technology in the Caribbean subregion with a view to drawing attention to the opportunities and...
This paper examines the potential benefits and challenges of regionally managed e-government development initiatives. It examines the current...
This study investigates the extent to which the digital boom has had repercussions on productive activity, in terms of both manufacturing (ict...
The aim of this article is to analyse the spatial distribution of the automotive industry in Brazil in terms of its various economic categories...
El documento tiene como objetivo analizar los avances realizados por países de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) en el fortalecimiento de la...
The Latin American Economic Outlook analyses issues related to Latin America’s economic and social development. Ever since the first edition was...
En Colombia los departamentos se han venido desarrollando a ritmos diferentes, logrando algunos aumentar su prosperidad económica y bienestar...