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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 81 to 100 of 732 results in 37 pages.
Publication cover
January 2022 |

The 2021 edition of the Social Panorama of Latin America examines the social impact of the crisis prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic and provides...

Publication cover
March 2022 |

For the fifth time, the countries of the region are convening in the framework of the Forum of the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on...

Publication cover
March 2022 |
  • Abramo, Laís

The phenomenon of informality in Latin America is strongly conditioned by the main structural axes of the social inequality matrix. It is a...

Publication cover
February 2022 |

En este número de “Claves de la CEPAL para el Desarrollo”, referido al impacto social de la pandemia por COVID-19 y aumento de la pobreza en la...

Publication cover
February 2022 |
  • Robles, Claudia
  • Rossel, Cecilia

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has triggered an unprecedented worldwide social, economic and health crisis. This emergency has...

Publication cover
February 2022 |
  • Parker, Malaka
  • Alfaro, Pablo

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development recognises the key role that education plays in empowering people with the knowledge and skills to...

Publication cover
October 2020 |
  • Tromben, Varinia
  • Cecchini, Simone
  • Gilbert, Randolph

This document presents costings for the cash transfers proposed as part of the National Policy on Social Protection and Promotion (Politique...

Publication cover
January 2022 |
  • Rossel, Cecilia
  • Manzi, Pilar
  • Antía, Florencia
  • Atuesta, Bernardo

En este estudio se analiza el vínculo entre los programas de transferencias monetarias con componentes educativos en América Latina y el Caribe y...

Publication cover
December 2021 |
  • Vargas, Luis Hernán
  • Robles, Claudia
  • Espíndola, Ernesto

En este documento se presenta un conjunto de estimaciones de costos de diversas opciones para la implementación de una garantía de ingreso seguro...

Publication cover
December 2021 |
  • Rivas Valdivia, Juan Carlos
  • Gaudin, Yannick

En este estudio, se ofrece una descripción sistémica general de las principales brechas estructurales horizontales y verticales existentes en...

Publication cover
December 2021 |
  • Velásquez, Adriana M.

En el presente documento, se ofrece un diagnóstico de las principales brechas de bienestar presentes en Honduras en el siglo XXI, asociadas a...

Publication cover
December 2021 |

Subnational poverty maps are used by governments to design, implement and monitor development policies more effectively by targeting them to the...

Publication cover
December 2021 |
  • Zurbrigg, Julieta

En este documento se resume brevemente la evolución de las brechas salariales entre varones y mujeres en el Uruguay, con énfasis en los años de...

Publication cover
December 2021 |
  • Roa, María José

En este trabajo se presenta una revisión de la literatura internacional sobre la inclusión financiera y las normas de género. Sobre la base de...

Publication cover
December 2021 |
  • Valdemar Díaz, José

En este documento se realiza un análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de la mercantilización de la salud en México con el objetivo de caracterizar...

Publication cover
December 2021 |
Publication cover
November 2021 |
  • Moncada Godoy, Germán Edgardo
  • Rivera Reyes, Keyla Yanely

Contribuir al desarrollo de políticas públicas más inclusivas es uno de los objetivos principales de esta serie de estudios sobre la...

Publication cover
November 2021 |

The draft programme of work of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) for 2023 is hereby submitted to the member...

Publication cover
October 2021

This toolkit aims to facilitate the assessment of the multiple dimensions of social inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean, and to provide...

Publication cover
October 2021 |

The region is traversing a perilous moment of great uncertainty, in which unremitting structural problems, such as poverty, inequality, exclusion...