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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 6521 to 6540 of 9704 results in 486 pages.
Publication cover
August 2005 |
  • Finot, Iván

La concertación entre actores políticos, sociales y privados en escenarios locales puede ser de gran utilidad para estimular la

Publication cover
August 2005 |
  • Boisier, Sergio

Este artículo trata de responder a la pregunta del título, tarea nada de fácil, como es posible entrever. Será necesario, en primer lugar, dejar...

Publication cover
August 2005 |
  • Giménez, Gregorio

Aunque los trabajos teóricos y empíricos que emplean el concepto
de capital humano son muy numerosos, no hay una definición generalmente...

Publication cover
August 2005 |
  • Vergara, Sebastián

Este estudio analiza la dinámica laboral de la industria en Chile a
través de información descriptiva y paramétrica, a nivel de plantas...

Publication cover
August 2005 |
  • Mesa-Lago, Carmelo

Hasta 1989, la política social en Cuba logró avances muy notables en educación, salud, seguridad social, empleo y distribución. El colapso del...

Publication cover
August 2005 |
  • Reisen, Helmut
  • Grandes, Martín

This paper deals with the ways in which the exchange rate regimes
of Argentina, Brazil and Mexico shaped the macroeconomic

Publication cover
August 2005 |
  • Finot, Iván

Concerted action by political, social and private actors at the local
level can be very useful for promoting economic competitiveness, but...

Publication cover
August 2005 |
  • Boisier, Sergio

This article seeks to answer the question asked in the title: no easy task, as we shall see. To this end, it will be necessary, firstly, to...

Publication cover
August 2005 |
  • Giménez, Gregorio

Although there are a great many theoretical and empirical studies
which use the concept of human capital, there is no generally accepted...

Publication cover
August 2005 |
  • Vergara, Sebastián

This paper uses descriptive and parametric information to analyse
the dynamic of employment in Chilean industry at the industrial plant...

Publication cover
August 2005 |
  • Mesa-Lago, Carmelo

Up to 1989, social policy in Cuba achieved very notable advances
in education, health, social security, employment and income

Publication cover
August 2005 |
  • Baumann, Renato

Embora a questão da integração regional não apareça com freqüência nos escritos mais conhecidos de Furtado, ele atribuía um papel importante a...

Publication cover
August 2005 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Recursos Naturales e Infraestructura

This issue of the FAL Bulletin provides information on trends in current maritime transport and their implications for Latin America and the...

Publication cover
August 2005
Publication cover
August 2005 |
Fondo de Desarrollo de las Naciones Unidas para la Mujer
Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas

Foreword In September 2000, 147 heads of State and Government, together with 42 ministers and heads of delegation, gathered at the General...

Publication cover
August 2005 |
NU. CEPAL. Servicios de Información

América Latina y el Caribe crecerá 4,3% este año Cómo lograr eficiencia e impacto en las políticas sociales Columna de Opinión de José Luis...

Publication cover
July 2005 |
NU. CEPAL. Subsede de México

1. Rasgos generales de la evolución reciente En 2004 la actividad económica de la República Dominicana creció 2%, índice que permitió...