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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 161 to 180 of 213 results in 11 pages.
Publication cover
December 2004 |
  • Guadagni, Alieto Aldo
  • Kaufmann, Jorge

Teniendo en cuenta la magnitud de la pobreza mundial y el desafío
que los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio se han impuesto para

Publication cover
December 2004 |
  • Ricúpero, Rubens

This article begins with a brief evocation of the main features of the legacy left to us by Raúl Prebisch, not only from the strictly intellectual...

Publication cover
December 2004 |
  • Guadagni, Alieto Aldo
  • Kaufmann, Jorge

In the light of the extent of global poverty and the challenge
presented by the Millennium Development Goals for its reduction, this article...

Publication cover
April 2004 |
  • Escaith, Hubert

The contagion aspects of the financial and exchange-rate crises in
recent years demonstrate the need to extend the domain of macroeconomic...

Publication cover
April 2004 |
  • Escaith, Hubert

El fenómeno de contagio en las crisis financieras y cambiarias de
los últimos años indica que es preciso ampliar el campo de acción de la...

Publication cover
September 2003 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

Executive Summary
One of the major challenges facing developing countries is to attain high levels of competitiveness in all areas in order...

Publication cover
August 2003 |
  • Biggs, Gonzalo

Este trabajo analiza la importancia que revisten para los países
de América Latina los principales mecanismos y convenciones

Publication cover
August 2003 |
  • Biggs, Gonzalo

This paper analyses the importance to the Latin American countries of the main dispute resolution facilities and conventions applicable to...

Publication cover
December 2001 |
  • Katz, Jorge
  • Stumpo, Giovanni

El presente artículo busca examinar diversos aspectos mesoeconómicos
y microeconómicos relacionados con la productividad
y la...

Publication cover
December 2001 |
  • Katz, Jorge
  • Stumpo, Giovanni

This article seeks to analyse some mesoeconomic and microeconomic aspects related with productivity and international competitiveness in the...

Publication cover
April 2001 |
  • Ros, Jaime

En este artículo se analizan las relaciones entre el patrón de
especialización internacional y el crecimiento. Para ello se
utiliza el...

Publication cover
April 2001 |
  • Ros, Jaime

This article analyses the relations between the international specialization pattern and growth. For this purpose, it adopts as its analytical...

Publication cover
August 1999 |
  • Kosacoff, Bernardo
  • Ramos, Adrián

El presente artículo busca replantear el marco conceptual para pensar la política industrial en las condiciones que actualmente enfrenta la...

Publication cover
August 1999 |
  • Agosin, Manuel R.

Este estudio analiza las relaciones entre el notable desempeño de las exportaciones de Chile en las últimas dos décadas y la elevada tasa de...

Publication cover
August 1999 |
  • Sotelsek, Daniel F.
  • Azqueta Oyarzún, Diego

En este artículo se analizan cinco tipos de comercio internacional basados en la ventaja comparativa que les proporciona a los países...

Publication cover
August 1999 |
  • Kosacoff, Bernardo
  • Ramos, Adrián

This article seeks to rethink the conceptual framework for the formulation of industrial policy in the conditions currently being faced by most of...

Publication cover
August 1999 |
  • Agosin, Manuel R.

This study analyses the relations between the noteworthy performance of Chilean exports over the last two decades and the high economic growth...

Publication cover
August 1999 |
  • Sotelsek, Daniel F.
  • Azqueta Oyarzún, Diego

This article analyses five types of international trade based on the competitive advantages afforded to under-developed countries by their...