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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 61 to 80 of 112 results in 6 pages.
Publication cover
July 2021 |

This Special Report examines the economic and social impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, more than a year after it first appeared, providing new...

Publication cover
July 2021 |
Publication cover
June 2021 |
  • Barba, Carlos

El propósito de este informe es contribuir al análisis de las implicaciones de la pandemia de enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID-19) en el régimen...

Publication cover
May 2021 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused widespread closure of schools and disruption of education systems worldwide, requiring unprecedented adaptation...

Publication cover
April 2021 |
  • Levasseur, Pierre

Given the limited financing capacity of developing countries, conditional cash transfer (CCT) programmes are an affordable means of providing a...

Publication cover
March 2021 |
  • Velásquez Pinto, Mario D.

Tanto los trabajadores como las trabajadoras informales han padecido severamente los impactos de la pandemia de enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID-...

Publication cover
February 2021 |
  • Tomaselli, Andrés

El Perú presenta unos niveles de informalidad laboral elevados incluso en el contexto latinoamericano. Diferentes estudios han constatado que la...

Publication cover
October 2020 |

This document, presented by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) to its member States at its thirty-eighth session...

Publication cover
November 2020 |
  • Meresman, Sergio
  • Ullmann, Heidi

En este informe se realiza una revisión sucinta de las respuestas al COVID-19 en la región y se analiza su alcance en relación con la protección...

Publication cover
October 2020 |

This document, presented by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) to its member States at its thirty-eighth session...

Publication cover
September 2020 |
  • Blofield, Merike
  • Giambruno, Cecilia
  • Filgueira, Fernando

The document analyzes the social protection responses of ten Latin American countries since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in mid-March 2020....

Publication cover
August 2020

International financial cooperation to address the Latin American economic crisis / José Antonio Ocampo .-- Mapping social conflicts in natural...

Publication cover
August 2020 |
  • Martínez, Rodrigo
  • Palma, Amalia
  • Velásquez, Adriana M.

La cuarta revolución tecnológica está en curso desde hace un tiempo. Más allá de Internet y el uso generalizado de las tecnologías de información...

Publication cover
August 2020 |
  • Möller, Sebastián

La pandemia del COVID‐19 ha generado impactos en muchas dimensiones de la vida de las personas y de las agendas políticas del mundo, de América...

Publication cover
July 2020 |

This joint report by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) is issued...

Publication cover
June 2020 |

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic affects the activities of the food system (food production, processing, distribution, marketing and...

Publication cover
June 2020 |

El objetivo de este documento es analizar la evolución de las jubilaciones por incapacidad en el período 2005-2018, y en particular centrarse en...

Publication cover
June 2020 |