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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 61 to 80 of 774 results in 39 pages.
Publication cover
April 2021 |
  • Rodríguez Pérez, Reyna Elizabeth
  • Aguilar Arredondo, Mona Zelinda

The goal of this study is to analyse the impact of the economic crisis in Mexico on the labour market for women. The analysis is carried out using...

Publication cover
February 2021 |
ONU Mujeres

In the current context of multiple crises caused by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, the Santiago Commitment, adopted by the member...

Publication cover
March 2021 |
  • Bleeker, Amelia
  • Escribano, Pablo
  • Gonzales, Candice
  • Liberati, Cristina
  • Mawby, Briana

Disaster displacement and environmental migration are among the most serious humanitarian challenges facing the Caribbean. As a subregion of small...

Publication cover
March 2021 |
Publication cover
February 2021 |

The crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on employment and labor conditions for women in Latin America and the...

Publication cover
February 2021 |
  • Olivera, Margarita
  • Podcameni, Maria Gabriela
  • Lustosa, Maria Cecília
  • Graça, Letícia

A atual conjuntura é marcada pelo enfrentamento da crise sanitária provocada pelo COVID-19 e busca da recuperação da atividade econômica, dos...

Publication cover
January 2021 |
Publication cover
December 2020 |
  • Bidegain Ponte, Nicole
  • Scuro Somma, Lucía
  • Vaca-Trigo, Iliana

This article is a contribution to the debate on the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on
gender inequalities in Latin America and the Caribbean...

Publication cover
December 2020

Nota editorial .-- Presentación. Economía global y desarrollo en tiempos de pandemia: los retos para América Latina y el Caribe / Alicia Bárcena y...

Publication cover
December 2020 |
  • Valenzuela, María Elena
  • Scuro Somma, Lucía
  • Vaca-Trigo, Iliana

El trabajo doméstico remunerado ha sido tradicionalmente en América Latina una importante fuente de ocupación para las mujeres, principalmente...

Publication cover
December 2020 |

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic and the effects of the measures taken by governments to control its rapid spread have affected most of...

Publication cover
December 2020 |
  • Tomassini, Cecilia
  • Zurbrigg, Julieta

En las últimas décadas se han evidenciado importantes avances en la participación de mujeres en diferentes niveles del sistema científico a nivel...

Publication cover
December 2020 |

En el marco del programa Primera Infancia y Sistema Integral de Cuidados, del Fondo Conjunto para los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, que se...

Publication cover
December 2020 |
Publication cover
November 2020 |

Since the COVID-19 pandemic was declared on 11 March 2020, in Latin America and the Caribbean, as in other world regions, it has been necessary to...

Publication cover
October 2020 |
Publication cover
August 2020 |
ONU Mujeres

The construction of comprehensive care systems is a fundamental factor in achieving the empowerment of women and gender equality, and it is a key...

Publication cover
July 2020 |
ONU Mujeres

Más allá de los avances realizados en materia de igualdad de género y autonomía de las mujeres durante los últimos años, los Gobiernos de la...

Publication cover
July 2020 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

The Caribbean subregion is exceptionally vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and extreme weather events. Vulnerability is a key...