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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 121 to 140 of 426 results in 22 pages.
Publication cover
January 2017 |
  • Jaimurzina, Azhar
  • Wilmsmeier, Gordon
  • Montiel, Daniela

Reducing non-renewable energy consumption and exploring alternatives for energy generation are priority topics of much debate around the world....

Publication cover
November 2016 |

En este documento, elaborado por el Ministerio de Planificación Nacional y Política Económica (MIDEPLAN) y el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores...

Publication cover
September 2016 |
  • Oddone, Nahuel
  • Quiroga Barrera Oro, Martín J.
  • Sartori de Almeida Prado, Henrique
  • Williner, Alicia

El cambio de paradigma con respecto a las políticas de frontera y la cooperación transfronteriza no se ha traducido necesariamente en mayor...

Publication cover
August 2016 |
  • Sánchez, Ricardo
  • Mouftier, Lara

This edition of the FAL Bulletin aims to stimulate reflection on the future of ports. It describes and analyses the current strains placed on...

Publication cover
July 2016 |
NU. CEPAL. Subsede de México

En este documento se presentan, de manera preliminar, cuadros regionales y nacionales con datos estadísticos de la producción de energía eléctrica...

Publication cover
June 2016 |
  • Williams, Robert Crane

An on-line survey of experts was conducted to solicit their views on policy priorities in the area of information and communication technologies (...

Publication cover
May 2016 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

Saint Lucia is highly dependent on imported fossil fuels for energy production, which makes the country vulnerable to price volatility and supply...

Publication cover
May 2016 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

This document identifies mechanisms for financing investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy initiatives in the Commonwealth of...

Publication cover
May 2016 |
  • Guerra, Sergio

This paper was prepared to guide the first session of the training workshop Introduction to Financial Feasibility Assessment of EE and RE Projects...

Publication cover
May 2016 |
  • Tovar Hernández, José Horacio
  • Ventura, Víctor Hugo

En este documento se presenta un análisis de la situación de compraventa de energía eléctrica entre México y Centroamérica, considerando sus...

Publication cover
May 2016 |
  • McGuire, Gregory

The objective of this study is to research barriers to the identification and implementation of mechanisms for enhancing energy efficiency and...

Publication cover
April 2016 |
  • Pérez, Gabriel
  • Jansen, Sarah Nunes

This issue of the FAL Bulletin analyses natural resources logistics chains in Paraguay and the Plurinational State of Bolivia in the light of the...

Publication cover
March 2016 |

El presente documento contiene una selección de las conferencias más destacadas dictadas en la sede de la CEPAL y en otros eventos institucionales...

Publication cover
March 2016 |
  • Lardé, Jeannette

This bulletin aims to describe the situation of public and private investment in Latin America’s economic infrastructure in recent years (2008-...

Publication cover
January 2016 |
  • Bello, Omar
  • Phillips, Willard
  • Indar, Delena

In this paper, the main factors that influence the demand for maritime passenger transportation in the Caribbean were studied. While maritime...

Publication cover
December 2015 |
  • Ramírez Jaramillo, Juan Carlos
  • de Aguas, Johan

En Colombia los departamentos se han venido desarrollando a ritmos diferentes, logrando algunos aumentar su prosperidad económica y bienestar...

Publication cover
December 2015 |
  • Wilmsmeier, Gordon

Esta serie presenta, principalmente, los cambios y desafíos que emergen de una geografía cambiante de transporte internacional, a la vez que...

Publication cover
December 2015 |
  • Cipoletta Tomassian, Georgina

La propuesta del presente estudio es colaborar en la identificación de fuentes, mecanismos y alternativas de financiamiento de la inversión en...

Publication cover
November 2015 |
  • Smith, Ransford

This paper will contend that the post-2015 development agenda presents a major opportunity for Caribbean countries to reverse decades of lagging...

Publication cover
June 2015 |
  • Pérez, Gabriel
  • Nazif, José Ignacio

This issue of the FAL Bulletin examines the performance of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean during the first years of the decade...