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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 281 to 300 of 982 results in 50 pages.
Publication cover
January 2018 |
  • Novick, Marta

Este documento tiene por objetivo plantear un debate sobre el futuro del trabajo. Para ello, se analizan distintas posiciones respecto a la etapa...

Publication cover
December 2017 |
  • Díaz Franulic, Constanza

El presente trabajo se propone analizar los cambios sociodemográficos acontecidos en
Chile durante el último medio siglo, abordando de...

Publication cover
December 2017 |
  • Vega Núñez, Adriana Patricia

The study analyses the transitions between the formal and informal labour markets using longitudinal data for Ecuador. First, we use transition...

Publication cover
December 2017 |
  • Leiva, Juan Carlos
  • Monge Rodríguez, Ricardo
  • Rodríguez-Alvarez, Juan Antonio

Policymakers often look for ways to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) by multinational corporations (MNCs). This paper estimates the impact...

Publication cover
December 2017 |
  • Ferrada, Luz María

Logit, binary and multinomial models are used in this study to determine the impact of objective and perceived working conditions on workers’ job...

Publication cover
December 2017
Publication cover
December 2017

Este documento es el primer número del informe bianual sobre el mercado laboral en la subregión de Centroamérica y la República Dominicana (CARD...

Publication cover
December 2017 |
  • Chiliatto-Leite, Marcos Vinicius

A densidade de contribuição na previdência define-se como o tempo de contribuição de uma pessoa como proporção do seu tempo total de vida laboral...

Publication cover
November 2017 |

En este documento se compilan los trabajos expuestos en el Seminario de Discusión: Resultados de la Encuesta Nacional de Dinámica de Empleo e...

Publication cover
November 2017 |
  • Bensusán Areous, Graciela
  • Eichhorst, Werner
  • Rodríguez, Juan Manuel

En este documento se presentan tres estudios que revisan diferentes aspectos de las transformaciones tecnológicas, su impacto en los mercados...

Publication cover
November 2017

Desde la publicación del documento La hora de la igualdad: brechas por cerrar, caminos por abrir, en 2010, la CEPAL ha subrayado que la...

Publication cover
October 2017 |

In the first half of 2017 Latin American and Caribbean labour markets followed two main trends. On the one hand, as described in the first part of...

Publication cover
October 2017 |
  • Breugel, Gerla van

The effectiveness and efficiency of a national vocational education and training (VET) system depends, amongst others, on whether it provides its...

Publication cover
October 2017 |

Latin American and Caribbean region is facing a complex set of economic and social circumstances that threaten the conditions needed for further...

Publication cover
September 2017 |
  • Weller, Jürgen

Las transformaciones tecnológicas en curso y proyectadas para el futuro próximo afectan una amplia gama de actividades productivas y generan...

Publication cover
September 2017 |
  • Navarro, Lucas
  • Pellandra, Andrea

Este trabajo analiza el impacto en empleo y salarios a nivel de empresa del shock negativo en las exportaciones de firmas manufactureras de...

Publication cover
August 2017 |
  • Avolio, Beatrice E.
  • Di Laura, Giovanna F.

In 1994, the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean approved the Regional Programme of Action for Women, whose guidelines remain in force...

Publication cover
August 2017 |
  • Vásconez Rodríguez, Alison

This study looks at the relationship between the feminization of the labour market —defined as a relative increase in the female labour force...

Publication cover
August 2017 |
  • Campos, Raymundo M.
  • Esquivel, Gerardo
  • Santillán, Alma S.

This article analyses the effects of a rise in the minimum wage on wages and employment in Mexico. The source of variation is the equalization in...

Publication cover
August 2017 |
  • Ramoni Perazzi, Josefa
  • Orlandoni Merli, Giampaolo
  • Torres Rivas, Elizabeth
  • Zambrano, Angel

Although, at first glance, it would seem to be a contradiction in terms, official statistics indicate that both unemployment and economic activity...