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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 2201 to 2220 of 2520 results in 126 pages.
Publication cover
December 1997 |
  • Souza, Lucio Vinhas de

This article seeks to calculate a simple integrated macroeconomic model for the Caribbean subregion. Using a homogeneous data series covering the...

Publication cover
December 1997 |
  • Benavente Escartin, José Miguel

Now that the neoliberal economic model, which is still in force as Latin America prepares to see out the milennium, has completed a number of...

Publication cover
December 1997 |
  • Gabriele, Alberto

In the six Central American countries --Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, which make up the Central American Common...

Publication cover
December 1997 |
  • Carvalho, Ruy de Quadros
  • Costa, Ionara
  • Consoni, Flávia Luciane
  • Costa, Janaína Pamplona da
  • Queiroz, Sérgio Robles Reis de

This article aims to classify and analyze the efforts at structural change made in the Brazilian motor industry between 1990 and 1996, seeking to...

Publication cover
December 1997 |
  • Katz, Jorge
  • Vera, Héctor

Processes of adjustment and restructuring of the production sectors to a new system of macroeconomic incentives are slow, costly and more...

Publication cover
December 1997 |
  • Alburquerque Llorens, Francisco

The generation dynamic competitive advantages in Latin America and the Caribbean cannot be assumed to result automatically from the achievement of...

Publication cover
December 1997
Publication cover
December 1997

The present and subsequent editions of the Bulletin will deal with the issue of road maintenance, its close connection with transport costs and...

Publication cover
October 1997

An ECLAC document to be published in the near future examines a subject that has become a frequent topic of discussion in recent years,...

Publication cover
September 1997

The purpose of the FAL Bulletin is to facilitate trade through efficient transport, and the current issue will focus particularly on the promotion...

Publication cover
August 1997 |
  • Cardoso, Fernando Henrique

La intervención del Presidente Cardoso tuvo lugar en el marco de la Primera Conferencia Regional de Seguimiento de la Cumbre Mundial sobre...

Publication cover
August 1997 |
  • Ramos, Joseph

América Latina está viviendo un viraje estratégico de vastas proyecciones: desde un desarrollo hacia adentro con fuerte injerencia estatal en la...

Publication cover
August 1997 |
  • Weller, Jürgen

En América Latina el empleo rural no agropecuario representa una proporción cada vez mayor del empleo rural. Se ha subrayado su potencial para...

Publication cover
August 1997 |
  • Kaztman, Rubén

En el panorama latinoamericano, Uruguay se destaca por su igualitaria distribución del ingreso, la solidez de su democracia y su nivel de...

Publication cover
August 1997 |
  • Tussie, Diana

En este trabajo se examinan las principales obligaciones que emanan de la Organización Mundial de Comercio y sus repercusiones para el diseño de...

Publication cover
August 1997 |
  • Willmore, Larry

Diez años atrás, los países miembros del Mercado Común Centroamericano (Costa Rica, el Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras y Nicaragua); comenzaron a...

Publication cover
August 1997 |
  • Cardoso, Fernando Henrique

President Cardoso delivered this address at the First Regional Conference in Follow-up to the World Summit for Social Development, held in Sao...

Publication cover
August 1997 |
  • Weller, Jürgen

Non-agricultural rural employment accounts for an increasing proportion of total rural employment in Latin America. Its potential for stimulating...