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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 3781 to 3800 of 9711 results in 486 pages.
Publication cover
August 2013 |
  • Bekerman, Marta
  • Dulcich, Federico

This study analyses how far the strong expansion of Argentine exports since
2003 has been due simply to favourable external conditions and...

Publication cover
August 2013 |
  • Dussel Peters, Enrique
  • Gallagher, Kevin P.

This paper examines the extent to which China's entry into the World Trade
Organization (WTO) in 2001 and subsequent surge in global...

Publication cover
August 2013 |
  • Guevara de Molina, Sandra
  • Pla Julián, Isabel

In the midst of one of the worst economic crises the Western world has faced,
governments are focusing on macroeconomic equilibrium and...

Publication cover
August 2013 |
Publication cover
August 2013 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe
Publication cover
August 2013 |
  • Fridell, Erik
  • Winnes, Hulda
  • Styhre, Linda
NU. CEPAL. División de Recursos Naturales e Infraestructura

This paper provides an overview of several parameters that would improve the fuel efficiency of shipping. Calculations are carried out from a...

Publication cover
July 2013 |

This report systematizes and summarizes available information on key areas of progress in implementing the Programme of Action of the...

Publication cover
July 2013 |
  • Altimir, Oscar

La región ha experimentado importantes progresos hacia la consecución de las metas del Milenio, destacándose especialmente la reducción de la...

Publication cover
July 2013 |
  • Eusse Giraldo, Melissa
  • Roldán Pérez, Adriana
  • Castro Lara, Alma Sofía
NU. CEPAL. División de Comercio Internacional e Integración

El propósito de este documento es identificar la existencia o ausencia de comercio intraindustrial entre las economías de Asia Pacífico y la...

Publication cover
July 2013 |
  • Titelman Kardonsky, Daniel
  • Pérez Caldentey, Esteban
  • Carvallo, Pablo

Using two standard cycle methodologies (Classical and Deviation Cycle) and a comprehensive sample of 83 countries worldwide, including all...

Publication cover
July 2013 |

This document aims to identify and propose priority issues and approaches for the population and development agenda for Latin America and the...

Publication cover
July 2013 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Recursos Naturales e Infraestructura

This issue of the FAL Bulletin examines aspects of current urban transport policies in Latin America and proposes a conceptual framework for an...

Publication cover
July 2013 |
  • Henry, Ralph
Henry, Ralph

The second Caribbean Development Roundtable hosted by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, was held in Guyana, in May 30,...

Publication cover
June 2013 |
German Society for International Cooperation
NU. CEPAL. Subsede de México
Alemania. Ministerio Federal de Cooperación Económica y Desarrollo

El presente documento parte del reconocimiento de que toda acción pública hacia la primera infancia se desenvuelve en el marco de la obligación...

Publication cover
June 2013 |

This report presents the results of the second survey of multinational enterprises (MNEs) from Chile, carried out by the United Nations Economic...

Publication cover
June 2013 |
  • Fernández Llera, Roberto
NU. CEPAL. División de Desarrollo Económico
Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo

El impacto de la primera gran crisis financiera internacional del siglo XXI no ha sido tan importante en América Latina como en otras regiones del...

Publication cover
June 2013 |
  • Sanz Labrador, Ismael
  • Sanz-Sanz, José Félix
German Society for International Cooperation
NU. CEPAL. División de Desarrollo Económico

En este trabajo se presenta una panorámica sobre la relación entre política fiscal y crecimiento económico. Para ello, inicialmente se revisan...

Publication cover
June 2013 |
  • Staab, Silke

El estudio se divide en dos partes: La primera y principal parte analiza la matriz de protección social a la infancia y adolescencia y sus...

Publication cover
June 2013 |
  • Pautassi, Laura C.
  • Straschnoy, Mora
  • Arcidiácono, Pilar

En este documento se analiza la Asignación Universal por Hijo para Protección Social desde distintas perspectivas, las que se engloban en dos ejes...