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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 3181 to 3200 of 9712 results in 486 pages.
Publication cover
April 2015 |
  • Aboal, Diego
  • Garda, Paula

This paper contributes to the empirical literature that evaluates the effects of public financial support to innovation on innovation expenditures...

Publication cover
April 2015 |
  • Farfán Sossa, Sulma
  • Medina Rivilla, Antonio
  • Cacheiro González, María Luz

This study analyses digital inclusion in secondary education in the Tarija School District in the Plurinational State of Bolivia for the 2012-2013...

Publication cover
April 2015 |
  • Sánchez Cantillo, Marco Vinicio

Nicaragua is making progress towards the Millennium Development Goals, but is set to miss a number of targets in 2015. This paper’s general...

Publication cover
April 2015 |
  • Gazmuri, Carolina
  • Manzi, Jorge
  • Paredes, Ricardo D.

This paper assesses the extent to which teachers’ actions in the classroom influence the school environment. The assessment is based on a...

Publication cover
April 2015 |
  • Chávez-Bedoya, Luis
  • Loaiza Alamo, Carlos
  • Téllez de Vettori, Giannio

This paper analyses three aspects of the share market operated by the Lima Stock Exchange: (i) the short-term relationship between the pricing,...

Publication cover
April 2015 |
  • Azevedo, André Filipe Zago de
  • Massuquetti, Angélica

The automotive sector is one of the sectors in which trade between mercosur countries has grown most strongly. This article examines the...

Publication cover
April 2015 |
  • Annegues, Ana Claudia
  • Figueiredo, Erik Alencar de
  • Souza, Wallace Patrick Santos de Farias

This article analyses the trend of unfair inequality in Brazil (1995-2009) using a nonparametric approach to estimate the income function. The...

Publication cover
April 2015 |
  • de Souza Rangel, Armênio
  • Garcia de Freitas, Fernando

This article analyses productivity trends in Brazilian and Mexican manufacturing industries between 1995 and 2009, a period in which international...

Publication cover
April 2015 |
  • Wilmsmeier, Gordon
  • Johansson, Lisette
  • Jallow, David

This issue of the FAL Bulletin shows why urban logistics is a relevant topic in the discussion of urbanization and provides arguments why the last...

Publication cover
March 2015 |
  • McLean, Sheldon
  • Khadan, Jeetendra
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

Despite its active embrace of trade liberalization and the maintainance of relatively open economies, CARICOM trade performance both within the...

Publication cover
March 2015 |

The present document provides an up-to-date overview of public debt and fiscal space in the region. The main conclusions show that public debt...

Publication cover
March 2015 |

This document was prepared for the Latin American and Caribbean Regional Consultation on Financing for Development, held at the headquarters of...

Publication cover
March 2015 |
NU. CEPAL. Subsede de México

En este documento se presenta la evolución del sector agropecuario de Centroamérica y la República Dominicana en el período 1990-2013,...

Publication cover
March 2015 |
  • Buitelaar, Rudolf
  • Espejo, Andrés
  • González Catalán, Sergio
  • León, Patricio

Este documento analiza hasta qué punto las estadísticas a nivel subnacional sobre el desarrollo son comparables entre países. Se revisa en detalle...

Publication cover
March 2015 |
  • Medina H., Fernando
  • Galván, Marco

Una misma tasa de crecimiento del ingreso genera efectos de distinta magnitud en la pobreza y en la desigualdad. Esto sugiere aplicar metodologías...

Publication cover
March 2015 |
  • Titelman Kardonsky, Daniel
  • Carvallo, Pablo

En este trabajo se analiza la situación actual de la banca multilateral y regional de desarrollo, su respuesta ante la última crisis financiera y...

Publication cover
March 2015 |
  • Puyana, Alicia

En este trabajo se analiza la discriminación étnica para México, con referencia a Chile, Colombia y Perú, desde la óptica de la desigualdad...

Publication cover
March 2015 |
  • Lupica, Carina

En este documento se identifican y analizan los principales logros y obstáculos de las mujeres para ingresar y desarrollarse en el mercado de...

Publication cover
March 2015 |
  • Ramírez Jaramillo, Juan Carlos
  • Acosta, Olga Lucía
  • Pardo, Renata

Este estudio identifica las las principales diferencias entre las veintitrés ciudades colombianas, en dimensiones del desarrollo social y...