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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 2781 to 2800 of 9712 results in 486 pages.
Publication cover
August 2016 |
  • Magacho, Guilherme Riccioppo

The capital goods industry is essential for technological development and long-term economic growth without external restrictions. After a long...

Publication cover
August 2016 |
  • Epstein, Hernán
  • Marconi, Salvador

This work sets out some methodological aspects and gross domestic product (GDP) series for Latin America and the Caribbean for the period 2005-...

Publication cover
August 2016
Publication cover
August 2016 |
  • Santos, Humberto
  • Elacqua, Gregory

In this article, we examine the hypothesis that the policy of parental school choice in Chile has increased socioeconomic school segregation. We...

Publication cover
August 2016 |
  • Fernández A., Andrés

Labour income inequality declined in most of the Latin American countries in the early years of the twenty-first century. Costa Rica, however, is...

Publication cover
August 2016 |
  • Fujii Gambero, Gerardo
  • Cervantes M., Rosario
  • Fabián Rojas, Ana Sofía

This study presents estimates of the number of jobs created by Mexican exports of manufactured goods in 2008 and 2012 based on the input-output...

Publication cover
August 2016 |
  • Neira, Isabel
  • Lacalle-Calderón, Maricruz
  • Portela, Marta

This study focuses on the relationship among official development assistance (ODA), social capital and economic growth in Latin American countries...

Publication cover
August 2016 |
  • Gayo, Modesto
  • Méndez, María Luisa
  • Teitelboim, Berta

Tertiarization, or the shift to service economies with an increasing prevalence of non-manual occupations, has been identified as a central...

Publication cover
August 2016 |
  • Chacaltana, Juan

In a dramatic change of trend, labour formalization took place in Peru in the period covered by this study. The context was one of economic growth...

Publication cover
August 2016 |
  • Lozano, Ignacio
  • Julio, Juan Manuel

This paper provides evidence for the positive effects of fiscal decentralization on regional economic growth in Colombia since the enactment of...

Publication cover
August 2016 |
  • Alderete, María Verónica
  • Formichella, María Marta

The objective of this paper is to determine the “premium,” in terms of academic achievement, that accrues to student beneficiaries of the Conectar...

Publication cover
August 2016 |
  • Srinivasan, Sinduja V.
  • Rodríguez, Adrián G.

Se analizan tendencias recientes en los temas de género, juventud y desigualdad en el medio rural en 12 países de América Latina y el Caribe, a...

Publication cover
August 2016

Este documento tiene como objetivo la realización de una descripción de las tendencias de consumo de energía en la República del Ecuador durante...

Publication cover
August 2016 |
  • Oblasser, Angela

Las actividades mineras, además de reportar beneficios sociales y económicos, deben internalizar de manera efectiva los impactos ambientales y...

Publication cover
August 2016 |
  • Amar, Anahí
  • Torchinsky Landau, Matías
  • Wirkierman, Ariel

El análisis convencional del crecimiento de la demanda agregada suele sustraer la totalidad del monto correspondiente al aumento de las...

Publication cover
August 2016 |
  • Pérez Fragoso, Lucía

Las demandas de cuidado y de autonomía económica de las mujeres plantean un particular desafío para las políticas locales, de vivienda,...

Publication cover
August 2016 |
  • Rodríguez Enríquez, Corina
  • Pautassi, Laura C.

Vivir una vida libre de violencia es un derecho humano de las mujeres y de las niñas y como tal requiere de respuestas estatales integrales que...

Publication cover
August 2016 |
  • Nam, Valerie E.

The study is a purely descriptive analysis of the trends in adolescent fertility and an assessment of reproductive inequalities in a defined area...

Publication cover
August 2016

Este libro es resultado de una iniciativa conjunta de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) y la Organización...

Publication cover
August 2016 |
  • Abeles, Martín
  • Valdecantos, Sebastián

El presente trabajo realiza un análisis estilizado de la evolución de los determinantes estructurales de la vulnerabilidad externa de América...