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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 2441 to 2460 of 9712 results in 486 pages.
Publication cover
September 2017 |

The Regional Action Plan for the Implementation of the New Urban Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean (RAP) seeks to be the regional...

Publication cover
September 2017

Una de las características más sobresalientes del desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe en el siglo pasado, fue la transición desde patrones de...

Publication cover
September 2017 |
  • Navarro, Lucas
  • Pellandra, Andrea

Este trabajo analiza el impacto en empleo y salarios a nivel de empresa del shock negativo en las exportaciones de firmas manufactureras de...

Publication cover
September 2017 |
  • Ramos Suárez, Eduardo
  • Muñoz, Cristina
  • Pérez, Gabriel

El presente documento explora la génesis, profundización, resolución y transformación de los conflictos sociales vinculados con las industrias...

Publication cover
September 2017 |
  • Bello, Omar
  • Khamis, Marion
  • Osorio, Claudio
  • Peralta Quesada, Leda

This policy brief has the objective of profiling disaster risk management policies in five selected member states of the Caribbean Development and...

Publication cover
September 2017 |
  • Herreros, Sebastián
  • García-Millán, Tania

El presente documento analiza los avances de la Alianza del Pacífico (AP) y el MERCOSUR en la regulación internacional de la inversión extranjera...

Publication cover
September 2017 |
Publication cover
September 2017

La planificación para el desarrollo ha alcanzado tal grado de amplitud e importancia que es necesario entenderla como un sistema. Sus funciones...

Publication cover
September 2017 |
  • Cordero, Martha

Este documento es de carácter bianual, y su finalidad es mostrar el estado actual de la integración centroamericana en el ámbito económico y...

Publication cover
September 2017 |
  • Garry, Stefanie
  • Parada Gómez, Álvaro Martín
  • Salido Marcos, Joaquín

En este documento se ofrece una propuesta para el fortalecimiento de la cadena de valor de la miel de abeja y para la incorporación de valor...

Publication cover
August 2017 |
  • Bowen, Cristian

This issue examines how the formalization of the public transport sector fuels increased demand for professional drivers to meet service needs,...

Publication cover
August 2017 |
  • Márquez, Lina
  • Plana, Amalia
  • Villarroel, María Cecilia

La mortalidad materna permanece en niveles inaceptablemente altos en varios países de América Latina y el Caribe En este sentido, mejorar la salud...

Publication cover
August 2017 |
  • Ocampo, José Antonio
  • Gómez-Arteaga, Natalie

After reviewing the debate over the relative merits of universalism and targeting in social policy, this paper assesses the present state of and...

Publication cover
August 2017 |
  • Avolio, Beatrice E.
  • Di Laura, Giovanna F.

In 1994, the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean approved the Regional Programme of Action for Women, whose guidelines remain in force...

Publication cover
August 2017 |
  • Cáceres, Luis René

This study will analyse the deindustrialization process in El Salvador. Deindustrialization has been a factor in the Latin American countries...

Publication cover
August 2017 |
  • Vásconez Rodríguez, Alison

This study looks at the relationship between the feminization of the labour market —defined as a relative increase in the female labour force...

Publication cover
August 2017 |
  • Deere, Carmen Diana
  • Catanzarite, Zachary B.

This article examines the propositions that wealth inequality supports credit market segmentation and that the financial system may reproduce...

Publication cover
August 2017 |
  • Stellian, Rémi
  • Danna-Buitrago, Jenny Paola

This article studies the competitiveness of Colombian agricultural products relative to those of the United States, with a view to assessing the...