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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 21 to 40 of 52 results in 3 pages.
Publication cover
January 2010 |
  • Villalobos, Julio

This issue of the FAL Bulletin
addresses energy efficiency
and its challenges in terms of
freight transport by road....

Publication cover
September 2009 |
  • Doerr, Octavio

This edition of the FAL Bulletin addr
esses port planning in Latin America and
delivers an initial forecast on container

Publication cover
August 2009 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Recursos Naturales e Infraestructura

This edition of the FAL Bulletin addresses the topic of transport infrastructure growth and its relationship to trade in Latin America. This study...

Publication cover
April 2009 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Recursos Naturales e Infraestructura

This edition of the FAL Bulletin examines the state of affairs of transport in the Plurinational State of Bolivia and Paraguay, along with their...

Publication cover
February 2009 |
  • Guidobono, Graciela

This issue of the FAL Bulletin covers training in the inland freight transportation and logistical
operations sector in Latin America and...

Publication cover
April 2008 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Recursos Naturales e Infraestructura

On 13 and 14 March 2008 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, a seminar on urban mobility policies and urban transport infrastructure services was organized...

Publication cover
March 2008 |
  • Pardo, Carlos Felipe

This edition of the FAL Bulletin looks at public-transport systems developed and proposed in Latin America in recent years, and seeks to conduct a...

Publication cover
February 2007 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Recursos Naturales e Infraestructura

Since the worldwide freight crisis that began in mid-2002, maritime transport prices have remained higher than pre-crisis levels and have proved...

Publication cover
August 2006 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Comercio Internacional e Integración

As explained in issue No. 236 of the FAL Bulletin in April 2006, the origin procedures in economic integration agreements (EIAs) signed by Latin...

Publication cover
April 2006

In the context of an economic integration agreement (EIA), the issuing and verification of certificates of origin are carried out in accordance...

Publication cover
November 2005 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Recursos Naturales e Infraestructura
NU. CEPAL. División de Desarrollo Económico
NU. CEPAL. División de Estadística y Proyecciones Económicas

This issue of the FAL Bulletin contains the report prepared jointly in September 2005 by three ECLAC divisions (the Division of International...

Publication cover
September 2005 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Comercio Internacional e Integración

ECLACs International Trade and Integration Division (DCII) will launch the book titled Information Technology for Development of Small and Medium-...

Publication cover
August 2005 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Recursos Naturales e Infraestructura

This issue of the FAL Bulletin provides information on trends in current maritime transport and their implications for Latin America and the...

Publication cover
April 2005 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Desarrollo Productivo y Empresarial

La presente edición del Boletín se basa en el estudio Liberalización comercial agrícola con costos de transporte y transacción elevados: evidencia...

Publication cover
January 2005 |
NU. CEPAL. División de Recursos Naturales e Infraestructura
NU. CEPAL. División de Comercio Internacional e Integración

This issue of the FAL Bulletin is based on a study prepared by ECLAC which works out a provisional approach for estimating the impact of increases...

Publication cover
November 2004

One of the consequences of the opening of the worlds economies - an integral part of globalization - is increased focus on the efficiency and...

Publication cover
March 2004

A vision of the role played by infrastructure, transport and related services in the development of competitiveness and productivity is...

Publication cover
January 2004

Trains in Latin America and the Caribbean mainly serve as a means of mass transit, bearing passengers along local and suburban routes of cities...

Publication cover
December 2003

Concessions have become an important mechanism in Latin America for attracting financing and private management to the highway sector. Highways...

Publication cover
October 2003

As the culmination of a project financed by the Technical Cooperation Agency of the Federal Republic of Germany (GTZ), ECLAC has just published...