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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 9361 to 9380 of 9722 results in 487 pages.
Publication cover
August 1994 |
  • Arriagada, Irma

Este artículo busca sistematizar la información relativa al trabajo femenino urbano en América Latina en los años noventa y contribuir así a un...

Publication cover
August 1994 |
  • Dourojeanni, Axel

La sustentabilidad o sostenibilidad del desarrollo es un concepto abstracto si no se asocia a objetivos claros que se deben alcanzar dentro de...

Publication cover
August 1994 |
  • Von Hesse, Milton

Este artículo evalúa el comportamiento de las exportaciones agrícolas de la región en el período posterior al desencadenamiento de la crisis de la...

Publication cover
August 1994 |
  • Schejtman, Alexander

La extensión del progreso tecnológico a los pequeños productores agrícolas es uno de los temas ineludibles de toda estrategia de transformación...

Publication cover
August 1994 |
  • Garrido, Celso

Según el autor, un resultado relevante de la reforma económica iniciada en México en 1983, particularmente en la etapa posterior a 1987, es que...

Publication cover
August 1994 |
  • Cong, Li

En este artículo, escrito especialmente para la Revista de la CEPAL, se analizan los antecedentes y las perspectivas de la reforma económica de...

Publication cover
August 1994 |
  • Titelman Kardonsky, Daniel
  • Uthoff, Andras

In recent years, a number of countries of the region have gained renewed access to international financial markets, thus passing abruptly from a...

Publication cover
August 1994 |
  • Cintra, Marcos Antônio Macedo

This article presents a critique of the theory of financial repression, in place of which it offers an alternative approach to development...

Publication cover
August 1994 |

The progress made by the countries of the region in their stabilization processes has led policy-makers and entrepreneurs to pay increasing...

Publication cover
August 1994 |
  • Rosales V., Osvaldo

The debate in the region on industrial policy is currently centered on policies to promote competitiveness in the context of open economies. It...

Publication cover
August 1994 |
  • Fuentes, Juan Alberto

Economic integration in Latin America has entered upon a new stage, conditioned by new development strategies undertaken mostly by democratically...

Publication cover
August 1994 |
  • Arriagada, Irma

This article seeks to make an orderly summary of the information on urban female labour in Latin America in the 1990s and thus make a contribution...

Publication cover
August 1994 |
  • Dourojeanni, Axel

The sustainability of development remains an academic concept unless it is linked to clear objectives that must be attained in given territories...

Publication cover
August 1994 |
  • Von Hesse, Milton

This article analyses the behaviour of the region's agricultural exports in the period following the onset of the debt crisis and makes some...

Publication cover
August 1994 |
  • Schejtman, Alexander

The extension of technological progress to small-scale agricultural producers is an unavoidable issue in any strategy aimed at changing production...

Publication cover
August 1994 |
  • Garrido, Celso

In the author's view, an important result of the economic reforms begun in Mexico in 1983, especially in the period after 1987, is that...

Publication cover
August 1994
Publication cover
July 1994 |
NU. CEPAL. Oficina de Buenos Aires