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Publications List

This list includes a partial number of publications, from 1990 to date. To see the complete list, please go to

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Showing 9021 to 9040 of 9722 results in 487 pages.
Publication cover
April 1997 |
  • Calcagno, Alfredo Fernando

El sistema de convertibilidad monetaria mostró su eficacia para dominar la inflación en la Argentina, pero su capacidad para apoyar un proceso...

Publication cover
April 1997 |
  • Thomson, Ian

Existe congestión del tránsito urbano en la mayoría de las regiones del mundo, incluida América Latina. Entre las medidas destinadas a remediarla...

Publication cover
April 1997 |
  • Budnevich, Carlos
  • Le Fort Varela, Guillermo

En este artículo se estudia el efecto de la estabilización del gasto fiscal y del uso anticíclico de los impuestos como variables de...

Publication cover
April 1997 |
  • Sirlin, Pablo

En este artículo se examinan, desde un punto de vista teórico y también empírico, las nuevas políticas aplicadas por Argentina a partir de 1992...

Publication cover
April 1997 |
  • Ruiz, Ricardo M.

En este artículo se analizan las estrategias aplicadas por los grupos industriales brasileños en el período 1980-1993, es decir, antes de que se...

Publication cover
April 1997 |
  • Lechner, Norbert

Modernization brings with it a rapid process of differentiation which increases the dynamism of society but also aggravates the phenomena of...

Publication cover
April 1997 |
  • Londoño de la Cuesta, Juan Luis

This article analyses the levels and evolution of social inequalities in Colombia over the last 25 years, describing the main recent trends in...

Publication cover
April 1997 |
  • Calcagno, Alfredo Fernando

The system of currency convertibility has shown that it is effective in overcoming inflation in Argentina, but its capacity for supporting a...

Publication cover
April 1997 |
  • Feres, Juan Carlos

The fact that different studies seeking to measure poverty in a given country often give differing results, although they apparently use the same...

Publication cover
April 1997 |
  • Budnevich, Carlos
  • Le Fort Varela, Guillermo

This article studies the effect of the stabilization of fiscal expenditure and the anti-cyclical use of taxes as stabilization variables in the...

Publication cover
April 1997 |
  • Sirlin, Pablo

This article makes both a theoretical and an empirical analysis of the new policies applied in Argentina since 1992 with regard to the treatment...

Publication cover
April 1997 |
  • Ruiz, Ricardo M.

This article analyses the strategies applied by the Brazilian industrial groups during the period 1980-1993: that is to say, before the Real Plan...

Publication cover
April 1997
Publication cover
March 1997 |
NU. CEPAL. Sede Subregional para el Caribe

Presents an overview of the status of trade liberalization in the countries of the ACS and concludes that most countries have...

Publication cover
March 1997 |
NU. CEPAL. Oficina de Montevideo


Uruguay cuenta con un sistema de enseñanza en el cual hay una muy importante
participación del sector público a través de una...

Publication cover
March 1997 |

The Social Panorama of Latin America provides a yearly appraisal of the most notable aspects of social trends in Latin America with regard to...

Publication cover
March 1997

In that decade, a different solution was required, because the Latin American economies, with only a few exceptions, were already regulated,...

Publication cover
February 1997 |
NU. CEPAL. Oficina de Washington
Publication cover
February 1997 |

Bajo el título Los aspectos sociales de la integración, este número de la serie "Políticas Sociales" reúne cinco trabajos que recogen...