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Observatorio Demográfico de América Latina y el Caribe 2010: Mortalidad = Demographic Observatory of Latin America and the Caribbean 2010: Mortalidad

Publication cover

Observatorio Demográfico de América Latina y el Caribe 2010: Mortalidad = Demographic Observatory of Latin America and the Caribbean 2010: Mortalidad

Autor institucional: NU. CEPAL. CELADE Physical Description: 290 páginas. Editorial: CELADE Date: April 2010 ECLAC symbol: LC/G.2490-P ISBN: 9789210547765 (electronic ed.)


This edition of the Demographic Observatory presents a series of abridged life tables by sex, estimated and projected by five-year periods, which were prepared as inputs for national population estimates and projections. The tables were prepared for the 20 countries of Latin America and also, for the first time, for Latin America as a whole, for the period 1980-2020.
The figures in this publication are a revised version of those presented in Demographic Observatory No. 4 of October 2007. The methodological notes contained in this edition of the Observatory, as well as briefly describing the methodology used in the mortality estimates and projections, give an account of the data sources used for each country.
Like previous editions of the Demographic Observatory, this issue also includes an analytical section containing a general overview of the information presented. Table 1a shows the total population of the 20 countries of Latin America between 1950 and 2050, and table 1b shows the population of those same countries by calendar year for the period 1990-2030. Tables 2 to 11 present a series of demographic indicators, including growth rates, global fertility rates, gross birth and death rates, life expectancy at birth and infant mortality rates. Tables 12 to 32 are abridged life tables by sex for the period 1980-2020 for Latin America as a whole and each of the 20 countries.