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29 June 2010 | Press Release
The Vice President of the Plurinational State of Bolivia spoke on the role of the State and the structural changes in his country.
22 June 2010 | Press Release
A study conducted by ECLAC and UNICEF included the non-compliance of basic rights and economic and social deprivations to measure child poverty.
22 June 2010 | Press Release
Álvaro García Linera will speak on Power, the State and Socialism at Commission headquarters.
18 June 2010 | Press Release
Both parties signed an agreement to foment technical cooperation between France and Latin America and the Caribbean.
16 June 2010 | Press Release
The publication outlines the results of a pioneering study carried out with Latinobarómetro on the relationship between the region's economic conditions and people's expectations.
14 June 2010 | Press Release
The Commission will assess the impact of tropical storm Agatha and the eruption of the Pacaya volcano using its own methodology.
11 June 2010 | Press Release
In their resolutions, delegates requested the Executive Secretariat to prepare new economic and social indicators that may reflect the reality of each country.
11 June 2010 | Press Release
The initiative seeks to strengthen the capabilities of Latin American and Caribbean nations to develop innovation projects.
10 June 2010 | Press Release
Although the rate of open unemployment rose from 7.3% to 8.1%, the impact of the economic crisis on the labour market in Latin America was milder than expected.
8 June 2010 | Press Release
The journal was presented during ECLAC's Thirty-third session and marks the 50-year anniversary of the Commission's office in Brazil.
3 June 2010 | Press Release
The State should ensure the participation of the most excluded in the fruits of growth, said ECLAC Executive Secretary Alicia Bárcena.
3 June 2010 | Press Release
Participants stressed the importance of regional integration and strengthening democracy for the adoption of effective public policies.
31 May 2010 | Press Release
The document "Time for Equality. Closing Gaps, Opening Trails" was launched today in Brasilia during the Thirty-third Session of the Commission.
27 de May de 2010 | Press Release
La destacada especialista brasileña se referirá a los efectos de la crisis internacional en América Latina, especialmente en Brasil.
26 May 2010 | Press Release
The proposals are outlined in the document "Time for equality. Closing gaps, opening trails", which will be launched during the Commission's biannual meeting, its most important event.
25 May 2010 | Press Release
The biannual meeting, the most important of the Commission, will examine the document "Time for equality: closing old gaps, blazing new trails".
20 de May de 2010 | Press Release
En Belice una liga de fútbol entusiasma y compromete a los jugadores de fútbol, sus familias y comunidades con el cuidado del frágil entorno caribeño.
17 de May de 2010 | Press Release
La visita se realizó para conocer en el terreno los factores del éxito y cómo se superaron los obstáculos.
14 May 2010 | Press Release
The Ad Hoc Committee on Population and Development will address the rights of older persons, among other issues.
14 May 2010 | Press Release
The organizations reasserted their commitment to redoubling efforts for closer collaboration.