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16 March 2016 | Press Release
ECLAC regional seminar calls for selective adjustments and strengthened monitoring of tax evasion.
16 March 2016 | Press Release
International organizations released a report on revenue statistics during the XXVIII Regional Seminar on Fiscal Policy, held at ECLAC headquarters.
15 March 2016 | Press Release
Tax revenues are the cornerstone of the basic financing of modern State, according to the Commission’s new report.
10 de March de 2016 | Press Release
Durante su estancia en la capital panameña, Alicia Bárcena participó en un encuentro de RIAL, en un conversatorio sobre las transiciones a la democracia y en una reunión con representantes del PNUMA.
9 de March de 2016 | Press Release
Destacado académico argentino dictó la Cátedra Raúl Prebisch en 2010.
8 March 2016 | Press Release
Comparing years of schooling, women can earn up to 25.6 percent less than their male peers in similar conditions in Latin America and the Caribbean, according to data released today by ECLAC.
4 de March de 2016 | Press Release
Secretaria Ejecutiva del organismo, Alicia Bárcena, emitió una declaración en la que condena el asesinato de la reconocida líder indígena.
4 March 2016 | Press Release
ECLAC Executive Secretary gave a keynote lecture at Chile’s Diplomatic Academy on the challenges regarding the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals in the region.
27 February 2016 | Press Release
Dilma Rousseff and Michelle Bachelet visited the headquarters of the United Nations regional organization.
24 February 2016 | Press Release
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, participated in a debate organized by the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in New York.
12 February 2016 | Press Release
Mexican Foreign Minister Claudia Ruiz Massieu and ECLAC’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, signed an agreement regarding the organization’s thirty-sixth session, which will be held on May 23-27.
8 February 2016 | Press Release
The 2015 edition updates a selected group of indicators of Latin America and the Caribbean countries.
1 February 2016 | Press Release
The Turkish President gave a keynote lecture at ECLAC’s headquarters, where he was received by the organization’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena.
28 de January de 2016 | Press Release
En reunión celebrada en la CEPAL, las representantes acordaron diseñar en conjunto con el organismo regional de las Naciones Unidas una estrategia para implementar los compromisos asumidos por los gobiernos en esta materia.
27 January 2016 | Press Release
The Executive Secretary of the United Nations regional organization, Alicia Bárcena, attended the IV Summit of Heads of State and Government of the 33 regional countries held in Ecuador.
27 January 2016 | Press Release
Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of the United Nations organization, and Christiane Bögemann-Hagedorn, senior official at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, signed an agreement in Berlin.
26 January 2016 | Press Release
Ministers for Women’s Affairs, specialists and representatives from the civil society gathered at ECLAC posed the need for concrete plans and programs to guarantee gender equality in the framework of the 2030 Agenda.
26 de January de 2016 | Press Release
Ministras de la Mujer, especialistas y representantes de la sociedad civil reunidos en la CEPAL plantearon la necesidad de contar con planes y programas concretos para garantizar la igualdad de género en el marco de la Agenda 2030.
23 January 2016 | Press Release
The Executive Secretary of the United Nations regional organization, Alicia Bárcena, is participating in the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
16 January 2016 | Press Release
Alicia Bárcena attended Jimmy Morales’ presidential inauguration and met with him personally.