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Teleworking at ECLAC Library

30 March 2020|Briefing note

Since March 19, ECLAC Library has adopted teleworking, due to the Coronavirus.

Due to the recent measures that have been implemented against the Coronavirus, we report that the staff of the ECLAC Library (Santiago, Brasilia, Mexico and Port-of-Spain), has been operating under the modality of teleworking or working remotely, since March 19th.

With the exception of the physical loan of printed books, all services and online information resources will remain active:


Library staff will be connected and available during regular business hours.

Contact information:

Hernán Santa Cruz Library - Santiago |

Centro de Recursos de Información y Distribución de Documentos (CRIDD) - México D.F. |

Raúl Prebisch Library - Brasilia |

Caribbean Knowledge Management Centre - Puerto España |