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Showing 1 to 9 of 9 results in 1 pages.
29 November 2022 | Briefing note
The United States has witnessed historic inflation since the economy began to reopen in 2021 following the COVID-19 lockdowns. Here are some of these inflation trends in five charts:
8 November 2022 | Briefing note
The ECLAC Office in Washington D.C. has published new issue of its Series Studies and Perspectives.
8 November 2022 | Briefing note
The ECLAC Office in Washington D.C. has published new issue of its Series Studies and Perspectives.
11 July 2022 | Briefing note
In 2021, economic growth in the United States was the strongest since 1984 (5.7%) but in the first quarter of 2022 the economy contracted. Here is the economic outlook in five charts:
20 December 2021 | Briefing note
Economic growth in the United States slowed to a 2.1% annual rate in the third quarter of 2021, from a 6.7% annual rate in the second.
26 de May de 2020 | Briefing note
On May 26th, the ECLAC office in Brasilia, together with the Brazilian Global Compact Network, held a webinar about the "Big Push for Sustainability", in which more than 60 case studies of investments for sustainable development in Brazil were presented.
13 de November de 2019 | Briefing note
O Senado Federal e o Escritório da CEPAL no Brasil realizaram o evento “Grande Impulso para a Sustentabilidade no Brasil”, no dia 5 de novembro de 2019 no auditório Petrônio Portella do Senado Federal em Brasília.
11 de April de 2019 | Briefing note
La actividad económica de México tendrá un crecimiento real del 1,7% en 2019
20 de December de 2018 | Briefing note
México tendrá un crecimiento económico real de 2,2% en 2018 y de 2.1% en 2019