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Commonwealth iLibrary

12 April 2016|Briefing note

More than 2.200 articles and publications from the Commonwealth Secretariat in one place

The Commonwealth iLibrary is a research repository that offers online access to more than 2.200 items, including 448 books and 140 working papers, covering a wide variety of topics, such as:

  • Agriculture and Food
  • Development
  • Economics
  • Education
  • Finance and Investment
  • Gender
  • Governance
  • Industry and Services
  • Social Issues/Migration/Health
  • Taxation

The content is accessible in different formats, PDF and READ, the latter optimized for reading on mobile devices and sharing via social networks.

If you need more information or guidance on the use of electronic resources, contact the Library via email: or call: 2210-2337.

Note:  IP access via ECLAC Network and VPN from all Headquarters and Regional Offices. The information in the electronic resources subscribed by the Library is for the exclusive use of ECLAC Staff, and for educational and research purposes. Redistribution is forbidden.