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Webinar - Challenges of territorial resilience

18 August 2023|Event

The Latin American and Caribbean Development Planning Network of the Latin American and Caribbean Institute for Economic and Social Planning (ILPES) organizes this event.

From June 5 to August 5, 2023, a Discussion Forum was held in the Planning Network to promote an exchange of reflections and opinions on the region's territorial resilience challenges. Likewise, an English version was developed between late June and early August to address the topic with Caribbean countries.

The objective was to discuss the relevance of building more resilient territories facing external shocks and risks associated with socio-natural disasters and climate change.

This seminar aims to bring a closing to the reflection period. The invitation is for members of the ILPES/ECLAC Planning Network and for professionals and public servants interested in this topic, which is on the public agendas of most Latin American and Caribbean countries.

Guiding questions for discussion

  • What are the main challenges in building more resilient territories? In rural territories? And in urban territories?
  • What changes are required to achieve these new capacities at different levels of government?
  • From identifying new capacities in institutions at all levels of the State (collaborative leadership, planning capacities, prospective capacities, openness-participation-negotiation, and collaboration), how are they built, maintained, and articulated in the public apparatus?
  • How can prospective capacities contribute to the construction of resilient territories?


10:30-10:40 Welcome: Valeria Torres, Head of Public Management and Open Government Area. ILPES/ECLAC.

10:40-11:00 Main reflections of the discussion forum in Spanish: Carlos Sandoval, Senior Research Assistant.  Planning, Prospective, and Territorial Development Area. ILPES/ECLAC.

11:00-12:00 Comments

  • Abdullahi Abdulkadri, Social Affairs Officer, POS/ECLAC.
  • Malaka Parker, independent consultant.
  • Natalia Silva, Researcher of the Risk and Disaster Reduction Program, University of Chile (CITRID).
  • Elena Diez Pinto, Head of Planning, Prospective and Territorial Development. ILPES/ECLAC.

12:00-12:25 Questions and comments.

12:25-12:30 Closing.

Moderator: Paulina Pizarro, Planning Network Coordinator. ILPES/ECLAC.

Practical information

Online seminar

Date: August 18, 2023

Time: 10:30 AM Santiago de Chile time

Link to registration: