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De izquierda a derecha, Delia Vergara, Consuelo Saavedra y Paula Molina, periodistas chilenas, y María Nieves Rico, Directora de la División de Asuntos de Género de la CEPAL.
26 de November de 2015 | News
María Nieves Rico, Directora de la División de Asuntos de Género de la CEPAL, fue la principal oradora en una conferencia realizada en la sede del organismo de las Naciones Unidas en Santiago, Chile.
26 de November de 2015 | News
Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL inauguró evento académico en la sede del organismo en Santiago de Chile.
26 November 2015 | Press Release
The Regional Council for Planning of Latin America and the Caribbean, which held its XV Meeting in Yachay (Ecuador), will convene again in 2017 in Peru.
25 November 2015 | Statement
"Even in areas at peace, violence against women persists in the form of femicide, sexual assault, female genital mutilation/cutting, early marriage and cyberviolence", Ban Ki-moon says.
24 November 2015 | News
The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) is charting the way forward for Caribbean countries to make microdata from their censuses more easily available to researchers.
24 November 2015 | Press Release
At least 1,678 women were murdered in 2014 for gender reasons in 17 countries of the region.
19 November 2015 | Press Release
The Statistical Conference of the Americas, a subsidiary body of ECLAC, concluded its eighth meeting in Quito today.
foto de los participantes en la cumbre Mercociudades
18 de November de 2015 | News
El Secretario Ejecutivo Adjunto, Antonio Prado, representó al organismo regional de las Naciones Unidas en la XX Cumbre de Mercociudades realizada en São Paulo, Brasil.
18 November 2015 | Press Release
Delegations from 18 countries participate in the XIV Conference of Ministers and Heads of Planning of Latin America and the Caribbean in Yachay (Ecuador).
18 November 2015 | Infographic
Principle 10 seeks to ensure that every person has access to information, can participate in the decision-making process and has access to justice in environmental matters with the aim of safeguarding the right to a healthy and sustainable environment for present and future generations.
17 November 2015 | Press Release
The President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, and the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, Alicia Bárcena, inaugurated in Quito the eighth meeting of the Statistical Conference of the Americas.
17 de November de 2015 | Speech
Intervención de Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL.
16 November 2015 | Infographic
Femicide is the most dramatic expression of violence against women. According to official data from the region’s countries compiled by the Gender Equality Observatory for Latin America and the Caribbean of ECLAC, 1903 women were murdered because of their gender in fifteen Latin American countries and three Caribbean nations in 2014.
15 November 2015 | Press Release
The Executive Secretary of the United Nations regional organization, Alicia Bárcena, sent a letter of condolences to President François Hollande.
15 November 2015 | Speech
Letter of condolences by Alicia Bárcena, ECLAC Executive Secretary, to the President of France, François Hollande.
Banner de la XV Reunión del Consejo Regional de Planificación
28 October 2015 | Announcement
On November 18-19, the XIV Conference of Ministers and Heads of Planning of Latin America and the Caribbean will be held, along with the XV Meeting of the Regional Council for Planning.
12 November 2015 | Press Release
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary gave a keynote lecture at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and made a presentation before the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI).
Banner de la VIII Reunión de la CEA CEPAL.
12 November 2015 | Announcement
The President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, and the Executive Secretary of ECLAC, Alicia Bárcena, will open the eighth Meeting of the Statistical Conference of the Americas on November 17.
11 November 2015 | Press Release
ECLAC and PAHO will analyze road safety progress and challenges during a global conference that will be held in Brasilia on November 18-19.
11 November 2015 | Infographic
Violence against women in Latin America and the Caribbean must be addressed comprehensively by States, taking into account factors of economic, social and cultural inequality that operate in society and in the power relations between men and women.