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Showing 21 to 25 of 25 results in 2 pages.
1 September 2016 | Op-ed
Opinion column by Laís Abramo, Director of ECLAC’s Social Development Division (published in ECLAC Notes N⁰ 89, September 2016).
22 March 2016 | Press Release
According to projections by the United Nations regional organization, 175 million people were living in situations of poverty in late 2015 in Latin America.
2 November 2015 | Press Release
A new study by the United Nations regional organization highlights the importance of creating productive and decent jobs, since wage income represents 80% of total household income on average in the region.
2 June 2014 | Op-ed
Op-ed by Martín Hopenhayn, Director of ECLAC's Social Development Division, published in ECLAC Notes Nº 80 (June 2014).
9 de May de 2014 | Press Release
Se trata de una de las principales resoluciones del Trigésimo quinto período de sesiones de la CEPAL que finalizó hoy en Lima, Perú.