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7 de April de 2017 | Infographic
La CEPAL impulsa la creación de un mercado digital regional en América Latina y el Caribe para apuntalar el crecimiento y la productividad, aprovechando las economías de escala.
24 de October de 2016 | Infographic
La carga global de trabajo de las mujeres es mayor que la de los hombres. Además, la mayor parte de ese trabajo no es remunerado, lo que restringe su autonomía económica.
24 de October de 2016 | Infographic
La democracia paritaria es un objetivo de desarrollo. En la región existe una participación desigual de las mujeres en la toma de decisiones.
24 de October de 2016 | Infographic
En promedio, al menos 12 mujeres son asesinadas diariamente en la región por el hecho de ser mujeres. Los feminicidios ocasionados en el ámbito de las relaciones de pareja constituyen la forma más dramática de violencia contra la mujer.
24 de October de 2016 | Infographic
La desigualdad distributiva es un obstáculo para la autonomía económica de las mujeres. Más de la mitad de las mujeres de la región no tiene ingresos propios o sus salarios son inferiores a un salario mínimo.
24 de October de 2016 | Infographic
El trabajo de cuidado se realiza en condiciones de desprotección y desigualdad y un 94% de quienes lo ejercen de forma remunerada son mujeres. Políticas que lo distribuyan y garanticen los derechos de las personas que lo requieren y proveen son fundamentales para el desarrollo sostenible.
11 October 2016 | Infographic
Gender equality starts right from early childhood, meaning urgent action must be taken to eradicate all forms of discrimination that affect girl children and adolescents in the region.
13 June 2016 | Infographic
ECLAC updates every year its ranking of container port throughput, which shows the cargo volume in containers in 120 ports of the region, based on data obtained directly from port authorities and terminal operators. In 2015 this activity grew 1.7%, with a total volume of approximately 48 million TEU. This infographic displays the first 20 ports of the ranking.
5 January 2016 | Infographic
The triennium 2013-2015 is the worst in terms of the region's export performance in eight decades.
22 December 2015 | Infographic
Fiscal policy can be a powerful instrument for income redistribution, which is key to inclusive development, according to the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). We present here which countries in the region have made tax reforms and in what areas, in 2014 and the first half of 2015.
16 November 2015 | Infographic
Femicide is the most dramatic expression of violence against women. According to official data from the region’s countries compiled by the Gender Equality Observatory for Latin America and the Caribbean of ECLAC, 1903 women were murdered because of their gender in fifteen Latin American countries and three Caribbean nations in 2014.
11 November 2015 | Infographic
Violence against women in Latin America and the Caribbean must be addressed comprehensively by States, taking into account factors of economic, social and cultural inequality that operate in society and in the power relations between men and women.
5 October 2015 | Infographic
Between 2000 and 2010 in Latin America and the Caribbean, emigration to countries outside the region declined while intraregional flows increased. In 2010, about 28.5 million Latin American and Caribbean persons resided outside their countries of birth. ECLAC insists on its call to respect these people’s human rights and integrate them into development strategies.
9 September 2015 | Infographic
This infographic is part of a series produced by ECLAC to assess the degree of compliance with the Millenium Development Goals (MDG) in Latin America and the Caribbean.
9 September 2015 | Infographic
This infographic is part of a series produced by ECLAC to assess the degree of compliance with the Millenium Development Goals (MDG) in Latin America and the Caribbean.
9 September 2015 | Infographic
This infographic is part of a series produced by ECLAC to assess the degree of compliance with the Millenium Development Goals (MDG) in Latin America and the Caribbean.
9 September 2015 | Infographic
This infographic is part of a series produced by ECLAC to assess the degree of compliance with the Millenium Development Goals (MDG) in Latin America and the Caribbean.
9 September 2015 | Infographic
This infographic is part of a series produced by ECLAC to assess the degree of compliance with the Millenium Development Goals (MDG) in Latin America and the Caribbean.
9 September 2015 | Infographic
This infographic is part of a series produced by ECLAC to assess the degree of compliance with the Millenium Development Goals (MDG) in Latin America and the Caribbean.
9 September 2015 | Infographic
This infographic is part of a series produced by ECLAC to assess the degree of compliance with the Millenium Development Goals (MDG) in Latin America and the Caribbean.