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Portada Financiamiento de los cuidados English
10 November 2022 | News
In the framework of the XV Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, which is taking place in Buenos Aires, the joint ECLAC-UN Women document “Financing care systems and policies in Latin America and the Caribbean: contributions for a sustainable recovery with gender equality” was presented.
9 November 2022 | Press Release
The regional organization’s Executive Secretary, José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, presented today the main document of the XV Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, which is taking place through Friday in Buenos Aires.
8 November 2022 | Press Release
Argentina’s President, Alberto Fernández, led today the opening ceremony of the XV Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, which will be held through Friday in Buenos Aires.
Imagen general del Foro Parlamentario
8 de November de 2022 | News
El Foro Parlamentario, realizado en el marco de la XV Conferencia Regional sobre la Mujer de América Latina y el Caribe, culminó hoy en Buenos Aires, Argentina.
7 November 2022 | Announcement
On Tuesday, November 8, at 4 p.m. local time in Buenos Aires (GMT-3), the opening ceremony of the United Nations’ main regional, intergovernmental forum on women’s rights and gender equality will take place.
Banner de la reunión.
4 de November de 2022 | Announcement
El lunes 7 de noviembre, de 12:00 a 13:00 horas, se llevará a cabo una conferencia de prensa híbrida desde Buenos Aires para abordar los detalles del principal foro intergubernamental regional de las Naciones Unidas sobre los derechos de las mujeres y la igualdad de género, que arranca el martes 8.
Pieza gráfica
3 November 2022 | News
El principal foro intergubernamental regional de las Naciones Unidas sobre los derechos de las mujeres y la igualdad de género será transmitido a través de diversas plataformas. Las y los interesados pueden sumarse a la conversación usando las etiquetas #XVConferenciaMujerALC y #SociedadDelCuidado.
Photo of women holding hands
31 October 2022 | Announcement
The meeting, which will be held on November 7-11 in Buenos Aires, is organized by ECLAC in coordination with UN Women. It is the main intergovernmental forum on women’s rights and gender equality in the region.
6 de October de 2022 | Press Release
Se trata de un espacio que promueve el diálogo entre las Oficinas Nacionales de Estadística (ONE), los Mecanismos para el Adelanto de las Mujeres (MAM), organismos públicos, especialistas de la academia y organizaciones internacionales sobre el progreso y los desafíos en la producción y uso de estadísticas de género para las políticas públicas de igualdad.
14 July 2022 | Press Release
Mario Cimoli, the organization’s Acting Executive Secretary, and Arnoldo André Tinoco, the Foreign Minister of Costa Rica, participated in a meeting of the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development 2022, focused on listening to messages from the regions. Prior to that, both authorities spoke at a virtual side event on Development in Transition.
23 June 2022 | Press Release
Senior authorities, specialists and members of civil society participated in the Special Meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, which concluded today at ECLAC’s headquarters in Chile.
22 June 2022 | Press Release
Women’s Affairs Ministers and representatives of international organizations, academia and civil society are participating in the Special Meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, which was inaugurated today in Chile.
17 June 2022 | Announcement
On June 22-23, a Special Meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean will take place using a hybrid format.
Imagen del mapa de América Latina y el Caribe
10 de June de 2022 | News
Representantes de las instituciones miembros del Grupo de Trabajo Conjunto de Cumbres emitieron una declaración conjunta en el marco de la IX Cumbre de las Américas, en la que manifestaron su apoyo a los esfuerzos para construir un futuro sostenible, resiliente y equitativo.
From left to right: Elizabeth Gómez Alcorta, Minister for Women, Gender and Diversity of Argentina;
4 May 2022 | News
On November 7-11, Argentina will host the region’s main intergovernmental forum on women’s rights and gender equality, the theme of which will be “The care society: a horizon for sustainable recovery with gender equality.” The gathering is organized by ECLAC in coordination with UN Women and the host country.
1 April 2022 | Press Release
The Argentine economist will replace Mexican diplomat Alicia Bárcena, who concluded her mandate on March 31 after nearly 14 years at the helm of ECLAC.
31 March 2022 | Press Release
As of April 1, 2022, she will be succeeded on an interim basis by Mario Cimoli, the Commission’s current Deputy Executive Secretary.
28 March 2022 | Press Release
Today, the ECLAC Executive Secretary, along with the Minister of Women, Genders, and Diversity of Argentina, Elizabeth Gómez Alcorta, participated in the Debt, Genders, and Care Seminar held in Buenos Aires. This was her final public activity as leader of the regional organization of the United Nations after nearly fourteen years.
Alicia Bárcena, ECLAC's Executive Secretary, during her presentation.
24 March 2022 | News
The Executive Secretary of the regional Commission participated today in the launch of a special issue of El Trimestre Económico dedicated to reviewing the organization’s work over the last ten years.
17 March 2022 | Press Release
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary delivered a keynote speech at FAO’s regional headquarters, where tribute was paid to her distinguished trajectory at the United Nations.