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20 de January de 2014 | Press Release
Según el Panorama Fiscal 2014, de la CEPAL, el aumento de los ingresos fiscales de los países ha dado espacio para una mayor inversión y gasto social.
9 January 2014 | Infographic
In the last decades, poverty in the region declined slowly but steadily, a trend that persisted even during the global crisis of 2008-2009. But from 2011 the pace that had been folding down this scourge has slowed.
20 December 2013 | Statement
"This year we mark Human Solidarity Day with the resolve to work together to bridge the remaining gaps to reach the Millennium Development Goals", says in his message the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.
19 December 2013 | Statement
The United Nations is acting to safeguard the rights of migrants, lower the social and economic costs of migration, and promote policies that maximize the benefits of mobility, points out in his message the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.
10 December 2013 | Statement
This year's observance marks 20 years since the adoption by the World Conference on Human Rights of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, remembers in his message the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.
9 de December de 2013 | Press Release
La Secretaria Ejecutiva de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) participó en una reunión organizada por la Iniciativa Global Clinton.
5 de December de 2013 | Press Release
Con datos proyectados al 2013, la pobreza estaría afectando a unos 164 millones de personas en la región, igual número que en 2012, consigna el estudio que aborda el fenómeno también desde una perspectiva multidimensional.
3 December 2013 | Statement
"We must remove all barriers that affect the inclusion and participation of persons with disabilities in society", the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says in his message.
Persona escribiendo en un cuaderno
2 December 2013 | News
The plans and programmes implemented to turn the situation around in 23 countries are analysed in a new ECLAC report.
29 November 2013 | Statement
"This year's observance takes place as Israeli and Palestinian negotiators work together towards the agreed objective of a peaceful, comprehensive settlement on all permanent status issues", Ban Ki-moon says in his message.
29 November 2013 | Press Release
The annual report, which will be presented by Executive Secretary Alicia Bárcena, provides a multidimensional view of poverty.
27 de November de 2013 | Op-ed
Columna de opinión de Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL (noviembre 2013)
25 November 2013 | Statement
"I welcome the chorus of voices calling for an end to the violence that affects an estimated one in three women in her lifetime", the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says in his message.
25 November 2013 | Press Release
The intergovernmental meeting called for the promotion of a new culture of integration and a long-term vision aimed at structural change with equality.
22 de November de 2013 | Speech
Por Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL
21 November 2013 | Press Release
Ministers and Heads of Planning will exchange experiences on policies for the development.
21 November 2013 | Press Release
The Brazilian Minister for Planning, Miriam Belchior, and the Executive Secretary of ECLAC, Alicia Bárcena, opened the meeting being held on 21 and 22 November.
21 de November de 2013 | Speech
Por Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL
13 November 2013 | Press Release
During her two-day visit to the European country, Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, described the development challenges of Latin America and the Caribbean.
12 November 2013 | Press Release
The Executive Secretary of ECLAC, Alicia Bárcena, opened the meeting that brings together heads of national institutes in Santiago, Chile.