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22 September 2014 | Press Release
The Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, said in a statement that the economic costs of climate change could total between 1.5 % and 5 % of the annual GDP of Latin America and the Caribbean, in the case that the temperature rises an additional 2.5 °C.
10 September 2014 | Press Release
ECLAC organizes two events in San José in its role as technical secretariat of the process to implement Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development.
5 September 2014 | Press Release
Building resilience to external shocks and addressing vulnerability of island States are key issues to attain sustainable development, the UN Commission stated.
3 September 2014 | Press Release
Ministers from several Caribbean countries addressed the challenges posed as a result of small size and limited capacity.
SIDS logo
1 September 2014 | Announcement
The Third International Conference on SIDS will take place from 1-4 September 2014 in Apia, Independent State of Samoa. ECLAC will also participate in two main side events during the event.
climate change
1 September 2014 | News
For more than a decade the organization has been studying this phenomenon’s effects in Latin American and Caribbean countries, with special emphasis on the economic dimension.
20 de August de 2014 | Speech
Intervención de Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL.
7 August 2014 | News
The vulnerability of Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS) will be the topic of discussion at the Third International Conference on SIDS, that will take place from 1 – 4 September 2014 in Apia, Independent State of Samoa.
18 June 2014 | Infographic
Latin American and Caribbean countries are exposed to extreme natural events that can unleash disasters, depending on the vulnerabilities of each. The sectors most at risk are those with high social vulnerability.
17 de June de 2014 | Statement
Necesitamos administrar la tierra de manera sostenible, evitar que siga degradándose y recuperar la que ha sido dañada, dice Ban Ki-moon, Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas.
6 de June de 2014 | Press Release
Alta funcionaria de las Naciones Unidas dictó conferencia magistral en México con motivo del Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente.
5 de June de 2014 | Statement
Este año, insto a todos a pensar en la difícil situación de los pequeños Estados insulares en desarrollo e inspirarse en sus esfuerzos para hacer frente al cambio climático, fortalecer la resiliencia y trabajar para lograr un futuro sostenible, dice Ban Ki-moon, Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas.
30 de May de 2014 | Press Release
La CEPAL organizó un seminario en el marco del Programa Euroclima, financiado por la Unión Europea.
28 May 2014 | Speech
By Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of ECLAC
22 de May de 2014 | Press Release
Alicia Bárcena expuso los ejes principales del documento de posición durante el Vigésimo octavo período de sesiones de este órgano subsidiario.