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Fadi Chehadé, Presidente y Director Ejecutivo de ICANN, y Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL.
6 de August de 2015 | News
Ambas instituciones firmaron en Ciudad de México un memorando de entendimiento.
5 August 2015 | Press Release
The Fifth Ministerial Conference on the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean was inaugurated today and will be held in Mexico City until Friday.
5 August 2015 | Speech
Remarks by Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of ECLAC.
4 August 2015 | Press Release
ECLAC presents study on the digital revolution in the framework of the Fifth Ministerial Conference on the Information Society being held this week in Mexico City.
31 de July de 2015 | Announcement
Reunión se llevará a cabo del 5 al 7 de agosto.
Imagen de un dedo pulsando teclas de computador
22 June 2015 | News
The Fifth Ministerial Conference on the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean will be held on August 5-7 in Mexico City.
11 December 2014 | News
ECLAC and Chile’s Foundation for Agricultural Innovation (FIA) organized a seminar in which farmer organizations participated.
foto de la mesa inaugural
21 de November de 2014 | News
Rectores de las principales universidades públicas de América Latina y el Caribe se reúnen en Santiago en un evento organizado por la CEPAL y el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile.
31 October 2014 | Press Release
It is estimated that 60% of the region’s children get their first mobile telephone by the age of 12, ECLAC and UNICEF say.
10 de June de 2014 | Press Release
Autoridades participaron en la Primera reunión de la Conferencia de Ciencia, Innovación y Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones de la CEPAL, que se celebró en Santiago, Chile.
6 de June de 2014 | Press Release
Asistirán ministros, viceministros y representantes de varios países de América Latina y el Caribe.
technology photo
2 June 2014 | Announcement
The First Meeting of the Conference on Science, Innovation and Information and Communications Technologies will be held June 9-10 in the Chilean capital.
23 de October de 2012 | Press Release
La Secretaria Ejecutiva del organismo, Alicia Bárcena, y la Ministra del Medio Ambiente de Chile, María Ignacia Benítez, encabezaron la inauguración del evento.
17 October 2012 | Press Release
The conference on this topic will operate at the regional level from 2013 onwards.
24 September 2010 | Press Release
The even, takes place take place in Montevideo, Uruguay on 23 and 24 September 2010.
28 de May de 2010 | Speech
Por Antonio Prado, Secretario Ejecutivo Adjunto de la CEPAL
28 de April de 2009 | Speech
Palabras de Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL.