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14 de November de 2014 | Press Release
A través de una serie de videos, infografías y otros materiales informativos, la CEPAL invita a reflexionar y a actuar para lograr una mayor igualdad de género en la región.
7 November 2014 | Press Release
At present 11 countries in the region have classified femicide or feminicide in their laws, said the United Nations organization in a report.
23 October 2013 | Press Release
Delegates meeting in the Dominican Republic agreed on actions for building a new technological, scientific and digital culture geared towards women and girls.
16 October 2013 | Press Release
President of the Dominican Republic, Danilo Medina, led the opening ceremony for the event, which closes on Friday.
22 March 2013 | Press Release
The publication presented today as part of International Women's Day includes various recommendations on not reproducing economic gender inequality.
25 October 2012 | Press Release
Currently, most of this work falls to women only. Poll of opinion makers stresses the need for public policies in Latin America and the Caribbean.
30 November 2011 | Press Release
Ministers from 19 countries meet at ECLAC to examine women's economic autonomy and policies on time-use.
11 August 2010 | Press Release
Support is also expressed for the creation of UN Women and the post-earthquake reconstruction efforts underway in Haiti and Chile.