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22 April 2021 | Press Release
On the day of celebrations organized by ECLAC, the region’s countries reaffirmed the importance of the first regional environmental treaty and their commitment to protecting the planet and the people who defend it.
Image event entry into force of the Escazú Agreement
19 April 2021 | Announcement
The day of celebrations will take place virtually on April 22, the date on which the provisions of Latin America and the Caribbean’s first environmental treaty will officially go into effect.
Panel de la reunión.
16 de March de 2021 | News
La Secretaria Ejecutiva de la Comisión regional, Alicia Bárcena, participó hoy en el evento "Enfoque de derechos y recuperación sostenible en América Latina y el Caribe", paralelo al Foro de los Países de América Latina y el Caribe sobre el Desarrollo Sostenible.
22 January 2021 | News
With the instruments of ratification of Mexico and Argentina deposited before the UN today, the minimum number of States Parties was achieved, meaning that the Regional Agreement will enter into force on April 22, 2021, which is International Mother Earth Day.
Notas de Población
5 de January de 2021 | News
La publicación semestral del Centro Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Demografía (CELADE)-División de Población se difundirá en junio de 2021.
Banner genérico.
11 de December de 2020 | News
Los informes, asociados a los temas de la Conferencia Regional sobre Población y Desarrollo (CRPD), persiguen apoyar a los países en la lucha contra la pandemia y sus efectos en grupos altamente sensibles.
10 December 2020 | Press Release
A high-level event on the occasion of International Human Rights Day, held in the framework of the Second Meeting of the Signatory Countries to the Agreement, brought together Epsy Campbell (Costa Rica), Michelle Bachelet (OHCHR), Alicia Bárcena (ECLAC), Mary Robinson (The Elders) and Martha Delgado (Mexico), among other prominent figures.
8 December 2020 | Press Release
Alicia Bárcena, the regional organization’s Executive Secretary, participated in the III Annual Meeting of the Comprehensive Regional Protection and Solutions Framework (MIRPS) on forced displacement, which was held virtually.
10 November 2020 | Press Release
Press release by the Office of the High Commissioner of the United Nations on Human Rights.
6 de November de 2020 | Press Release
Ambos organismos reconocen a quienes impulsaron la ratificación y alientan a la implementación a la mayor brevedad posible de las previsiones contenidas en el Acuerdo.
Logo reunión
5 November 2020 | News
The event was organized by UN Human Rights in South America (OHCHR), the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
Cover document.
28 October 2020 | News
Authorities from the region participated today in the launch of the book Afrodescendants and the matrix of social inequality in Latin America: Challenges for inclusion, presented in the framework of ECLAC’s 38th session.
photo of Alicia Bárcena and the participants in the webinar
14 October 2020 | Announcement
The regional organization’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, will present the document during a web seminar in which international officials and representatives of the legislative branch and of civil society in Latin America and the Caribbean will participate.
Meeting panel.
8 October 2020 | News
The Online Conversation: Challenges to the protection of older persons and their rights in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, was an opportunity to exchange experiences and reflect on its impacts on the population of older persons.
Alicia Bárcena, ECLAC's Executive Secretary, during her presentation.
23 September 2020 | News
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, participated today in a high-level event on the response to forced displacement in Central America, where she urged the international community to consider debt relief on the interest payments of the subregion’s countries through 2021.
Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL, durante su presentación.
21 September 2020 | News
Alicia Bárcena, ECLAC's Executive Secretary; Harold Robinson, UNPFA’s Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean, and Gerardo Zavaleta, Peru's Vice Minister of Vulnerable Populations, joined a virtual conversation on the impacts of COVID-19 on Afro-descendant populations.
Alicia Bárcena, ECLAC's Executive Secretary, during her presentation.
20 August 2020 | News
Alicia Bárcena, ECLAC’s Executive Secretary, Antonina Sasieta, Peru’s Minister of Women and Vulnerable Populations, and Harold Robinson, UNFPA’s Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean, took part in a virtual conversation on the impacts of COVID-19 on migrants.
Portada documento CEPAL-México
22 June 2020 | News
A document edited by the organization’s Subregional Headquarters in Mexico indicates that intellectual property rules have increased the cost of access to some medicines and can jeopardize full enjoyment of the right to health, which is an especially relevant issue at this time of the COVID-19 pandemic.
24 January 2020 | Press Release
The Executive Secretary of the United Nations regional organization participated this week in numerous sessions of the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, the central theme of which was “Stakeholders for a Cohesive and Sustainable World.”
Cover book Climate Change and Human Rights
9 December 2019 | News
In a joint publication, the organizations highlighted the Escazú Agreement as a valuable regional contribution for ensuring that actions related to the environment and climate respect, protect and effectively fulfill human rights and basic democratic principles.