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27 June 2018 | Press Release
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary inaugurated a meeting today at which a joint document produced by the five United Nations regional commissions was presented.
De izquierda a derecha, Manfred Haebig, Asesor Programa CEPAL-BMZ/giz, Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL, y Joseluis Samaniego, Director de la División de Desarrollo Sostenible y Asentamientos Humanos de la CEPAL.
25 de June de 2018 | News
La reunión, organizada por la CEPAL y la cooperación alemana, fue inaugurada por Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva del organismo regional de las Naciones Unidas.
25 de June de 2018 | Speech
Discurso de Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL.
Foto CEPAL Brasilia
25 June 2018 | News
The organization’s office in Brasilia will publish a book with contributions for the country’s development.
Cover Resilience and Capital Flows in the Caribbean
25 June 2018 | News
The organization’s Office in Washington D.C. released a new study on resilience and capital flows, with a focus on the development challenges of the region.
19 June 2018 | Press Release
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary was awarded for her work against inequality and poverty and for women’s economic empowerment.
Panel inauguración seminario internacional.
18 de June de 2018 | News
El seminario es organizado por la CEPAL, a través del ILPES, junto al Instituto de Asuntos Públicos de la Universidad de Chile y el Grupo de Investigación en Gobierno, Administración y Políticas Públicas.
13 June 2018 | Press Release
During a seminar organized by the European Union in Panama, ECLAC’s Executive Secretary emphasized the role of international cooperation in supporting countries in transition.
International Short Essay Contest  The Future of Equality in Latin America and the Caribbean banner.
6 June 2018 | News
The competition was held in the framework of the commemoration of the regional organization’s 70th anniversary, taking place in 2018.
Banner de la red de estadísticas ambientales.
5 de June de 2018 | News
La plataforma online, coordinada por el Área de Estadísticas Ambientales de la División de Estadísticas del organismo regional, con el apoyo de la Cooperación Alemana, reúne a expertos, técnicos y directivos que trabajan estadísticas, indicadores y cuentas ambientales en la región.
5 June 2018 | Press Release
Today the United Nations body joined the Steering Committee of InforMEA, a platform that brings together all multilateral environmental agreements worldwide.
31 May 2018 | Press Release
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary participated in a high-level event at the headquarters of the European Union in Brussels, in which the Colombian peace process was analyzed.
29 May 2018 | Press Release
During a visit to Paris, ECLAC’s Executive Secretary participated in the International Economic Forum on Latin America and the Caribbean and in the OECD Forum 2018, among other events.
Seminario sobre Finanzas Sostenibles en la CEPAL
24 de May de 2018 | News
Durante seminario realizado en la sede de la CEPAL en Santiago, participantes dialogaron sobre la promoción de un desarrollo más sostenible en Chile y la región.
Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL, junto a Fernando Álvarez de Celis, del Ministerio del Interior, Obras Públicas y Vivienda de Argentina
16 de May de 2018 | News
El acuerdo se ratificó en el marco del trigésimo séptimo período de sesiones de la CEPAL celebrado en La Habana, Cuba.
11 May 2018 | Press Release
Amina Mohammed, United Nations Deputy Secretary-General, Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of the regional commission, and Rodrigo Malmierca, Cuban Minister of Foreign Trade and Investment, closed the thirty-seventh session of ECLAC held in Havana, Cuba.
Foto de siálogo de cancillerss en el PSES 37
11 May 2018 | News
High-level dialogue during the 37th session of ECLAC included the participation of the Deputy Secretary-General of the global organism, Amina Mohammed, and ministers from seven countries in the region.
10 May 2018 | Press Release
Authorities spotlighted the proposal laid out in ECLAC’s document “The Inefficiency of Inequality,” which was presented today in Cuba by the organization’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena.
La Canciller de Corea, Kang Kyung-wha, y la Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL, Alicia Bárcena, durante la firma del convenio
10 May 2018 | News
At a meeting held today in Havana, Cuba, Korean Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha and ECLAC’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, highlighted the fertile mutual collaboration that promotes dialogue and trade between Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean.
Participantes en la reunión del Comité de Cooperación Sur-Sur del 37 período de sesiones de la CEPAL
9 May 2018 | News
Authorities and high-level officials participated in a panel on the challenges facing middle-income countries in the framework of ECLAC’s 37th session being held in Cuba.