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27 June 2019 | Press Release
The organization’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, reiterated the importance of reducing the high level of tax evasion and illicit financial flows, upon presenting the “Fiscal Panorama of Latin America and the Caribbean 2019” in Washington.
Autoridades y expertos analizaron en la CEPAL avances en la creación de indicadores de sustentabilid
25 de June de 2019 | News
Taller se realizó en la sede del organismo en Santiago de Chile y contó con la participación de la Secretaria de Política Minera de Argentina, Carolina Sánchez.
21 June 2019 | Press Release
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, concluded a two-day visit to Spain where she presented the report “Latin American Economic Outlook 2019” and held meetings with government authorities, among other activities.
19 June 2019 | Press Release
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary spoke today on behalf of United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres in the European Development Days 2019, which were held in Brussels, Belgium, thereby concluding her participation in the event.
Banner ECLAC Notes 100, Anniversary Edition
17 June 2019 | News
Over its 21 years in existence, this bulletin has become a key instrument for communicating ECLAC’s ideas regarding the development of Latin America and the Caribbean.
Taller tejidos territoriales realizado en Colombia
17 June 2019 | News
The organization’s office in that country held a workshop of experts on the conceptual framework of the project it is implementing, which forms part of the United Nations Development Account.
Portada del documento.
17 June 2019 | News
The social cost of carbon identifies the economic cost that an additional tonne of CO2 being emitted into the atmosphere entails for economic activities, social well-being and ecosystems.
logo ECLAC Brasilia in English
13 June 2019 | News
Researchers, private-sector professionals, businesspeople, representatives of civil society, policymakers and civil servants are invited to submit case studies.
11 June 2019 | Press Release
The midterm review meeting of Latin American countries regarding implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action for the Decade 2014–2024 is taking place at ECLAC’s headquarters in Santiago, Chile.
4 June 2019 | Press Release
On the occasion of World Environment Day 2019, the central theme of which is air pollution, the United Nations organization calls on Latin American and Caribbean States to advance on coordinated action at a local, national, regional and international level to address this problem.
La actividad tuvo lugar en la Biblioteca Hernán Santa Cruz ubicada en el edificio de la CEPAL en Santiago, Chile.
31 de May de 2019 | News
La iniciativa, que contó con el apoyo de Wikimedia Chile, se realizó en el marco de las celebraciones del Día del Patrimonio Cultural de Chile.
29 May 2019 | Press Release
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, concluded an official visit to Berlin, Germany today upon participating in the Future Affairs 2019 conference, where she addressed the future of democracy in the context of the digital revolution. Earlier in the day, she held a bilateral meeting with the President of Costa Rica, Carlos Alvarado, with whom she discussed details of the regional commission’s next session, which will take place in May 2020 in San José.
Plantean reposicionar el debate sobre la cohesión social
28 de May de 2019 | News
CEPAL y AECID dieron inicio a proyecto de cooperación sobre el tema con seminario internacional organizado en la capital chilena.
De derecha a izquierda, Christiane Bögemann-Hagedorn, Directora General Adjunta para América Latina del BMZ; Norbert Barthle, Secretario de Estado Parlamentario del BMZ; Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL y Sören Müller, Oficial Senior de Políticas de BMZ.
27 May 2019 | News
In the framework of an official visit to Berlin, the regional organization’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, met with Norbert Barthle, Parliamentary State Secretary of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany. Later in the day, she signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Christiane Bögemann-Hagedorn, the BMZ’s Deputy Director General for Latin America.
23 May 2019 | Press Release
The organization’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, made a presentation at a high-level meeting of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in New York.
23 May 2019 | Infographic
Latin America and the Caribbean contributes less than 10% of total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, mostly from the energy sector, agriculture and land use change | Progress towards fulfilment of the Paris Agreement requires decarbonization of the economies | Investment in renewable energies and electromobility are key elements of the environmental big push | The region has great potential in hydroelectric, wind, solar and geothermal energy.
22 May 2019 | Speech
Statement by Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of ECLAC, in the ECOSOC operational activities for development segment, 2019.
20 May 2019 | Press Release
In a ceremony led by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the Executive Secretary of the UN regional commission, Alicia Bárcena, presented to Mexico a proposal for the El Salvador-Guatemala-Honduras-Mexico Comprehensive Development Plan.