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30 de November de 2011 | Press Release
Las autoridades se comprometieron a considerar en sus políticas públicas las recomendaciones alcanzadas en este Diálogo, coordinado por la CEPAL.
30 de November de 2011 | Speech
Por Antonio Prado, Secretario Ejecutivo Adjunto de la CEPAL
22 November 2011 | Press Release
During a high-level event, Alicia Bárcena highlighted the ECLAC @LIS2 Programme, which promotes an inclusive information society in Latin America, as a successful example of the new form of cooperation needed between both regions.
21 de November de 2011 | Speech
Por Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL
15 de November de 2011 | Fact sheet
Información gráfica mostrando la relación entre los ingresos y los costos de Banda Ancha en la región.
15 November 2011 | Press Release
Representatives of seven countries of Latin America and experts from international organizations will discuss policies on the massification of this service until Thursday.
26 October 2011 | Press Release
Some factors considered were speed and user experience.
17 de October de 2011 | Speech
Por Antonio Prado, Secretario Ejecutivo Adjunto de la CEPAL
30 de August de 2011 | Speech
Por Antonio Prado, Secretario Ejecutivo Adjunto de la CEPAL
1 June 2011 | Press Release
Alicia Bárcena, ECLAC Executive Secretary, stressed that the State plays a key role in achieving universal access and widespread use of information technologies, especially broadband.
17 May 2011 | Statement
Message by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon.
11 de May de 2011 | Speech
Por Antonio Prado, Secretario Ejecutivo Adjunto de la CEPAL
4 de May de 2011 | Fact sheet
Fact sheet on software industry
27 de April de 2011 | Speech
Por Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL
7 January 2011 | Press Release
Representatives from Latin America and the Caribbean will discuss a plan to foment the use of information and communications technologies as instruments for development.
4 January 2011 | Press Release
Today, ECLAC opened the first School for Policymakers in Science, Technology and Innovation, in order to strengthen capacities in the region's countries.
4 January 2011 | Press Release
Officials from the region's governments took part in the second meeting of the Regional Dialogue on Broadband. There was also a round table discussion attended by the region's main Internet operators.
22 December 2010 | Press Release
Use of information and communications technologies generates productivity gains and development with equality
25 de November de 2010 | Fact sheet
Gráfico comparativo de la penetración de las tecnologías de information y las comunicaciones en 2005 y 2009, en porcentajes de la población.
25 November 2010 | Press Release
Authorities in Latin America and the Caribbean approved the eLAC2015 Plan that aims to promote the use of ICTs as a means of achieving more inclusive development