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6 July 2016 | Press Release
The Executive Secretary of the UN organization, Alicia Bárcena, met with the German Foreign Affairs Minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier.
22 June 2016 | Press Release
Digital technologies and new business models will foster regional integration that was not possible with old technologies, says the United Nations organization.
7 August 2015 | Press Release
Representatives from 18 countries approved the Digital Agenda for Latin America (eLAC2018) during the Fifth Ministerial Conference on the Information Society, which concluded today in Mexico City.
10 de June de 2014 | Press Release
Autoridades participaron en la Primera reunión de la Conferencia de Ciencia, Innovación y Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones de la CEPAL, que se celebró en Santiago, Chile.
26 June 2013 | Press Release
The region's ministers stated that integration in these areas is crucial for the path of development and equality.