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Fotografía Escuela de Verano 2019.
24 de April de 2020 | News
El programa de formación se llevará a cabo del 11 de enero al 5 de marzo del 2021 en la sede del organismo regional de las Naciones Unidas en Santiago, Chile. A partir del 15 de julio, la CEPAL pondrá a disposición del público general, algunos de los cursos de la Escuela vía online.
22 April 2020 | Press Release
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary participated today in a webinar organized by the Carolina Foundation of Spain, on multilateral action in Ibero-America in the face of the epidemic.
Reunión virtual sobre el rol de los Ministerios de Desarrollo Social del Caribe ante la pandemia del COVID-19
21 April 2020 | News
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary participated today in a virtual meeting on the role of Social Development Ministries in the Caribbean in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, which was organized jointly by the Secretariat of Welfare of Mexico and the UN Regional Commission.
21 April 2020 | Press Release
ECLAC released new growth projections for Latin American and Caribbean countries. It underscores that in the medium term, this crisis will provoke structural changes in the organization of production, international trade, and the current globalization model.
20 de April de 2020 | Press Release
Principal publicación académica del organismo incluye además artículos sobre determinantes de la productividad laboral en México, un enfoque regional para estudiar la diversidad industrial en Argentina y la anatomía de la clase media brasileña, entre otros temas.
20 de April de 2020 | Fact sheet
Resumen del artículo publicado en Revista CEPAL N° 130, abril de 2020 Autores: Catari Vilela, Leonardo Costa, Ulisses Pereira y Eduardo da Motta
20 de April de 2020 | Fact sheet
Resumen del artículo publicado en Revista CEPAL N° 130, abril de 2020 Autor: Jürgen Weller
20 de April de 2020 | Fact sheet
Resumen del artículo publicado en Revista CEPAL N° 130, abril de 2020 Autores: Roberto Álvarez y Aldo González
Banner Special Report COVID-19 No 2
18 April 2020 | Announcement
The UN Regional Commission’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, will hold a virtual press conference on Tuesday, April 21, from the organization’s central headquarters in Santiago, Chile.
9 April 2020 | Press Release
Full copy of the report at:
8 de April de 2020 | Speech
Palabras de Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL.
8 April 2020 | Press Release
The organization’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, along with María-Noel Vaeza, Regional Director for UN Women, participated in a virtual informational meeting with ministers and authorities from the Machineries for Women’s Advancement in Latin America and the Caribbean, under Chile’s leadership.
7 April 2020 | Press Release
The 2019 edition of the Commission’s annual report presents a select set of indicators on the social, economic and environmental situation in Latin American and Caribbean countries.
3 April 2020 | Press Release
A new report by ECLAC warns that the crisis unleashed by the coronavirus illness could lead to a contraction of at least -1.8% in Latin America and the Caribbean’s GDP in 2020.
2 de April de 2020 | Speech
Palabras de Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL.
Banner Red de transmisión del conocimiento
2 de April de 2020 | News
CEPAL y OIT convocaron a las Oficinas Nacionales de Estadísticas de América Latina y el Caribe a diversas videoconferencias en las que abordaron la problemática y posibles soluciones.
Alicia Bárcena, ECLAC's Executive Secretary, during her presentation.
2 April 2020 | News
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary participated today in a virtual meeting on the role of Latin America and the Caribbean’s Social Development Ministries in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, which was organized by Mexico’s Secretariat of Welfare and the UN Regional Commission.
Invitation virtual press conference by Alicia Bárcena on April 3, 2020
2 April 2020 | Announcement
The UN regional commission’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, will hold a virtual press conference on Friday, April 3, from the organization’s central headquarters in Santiago, Chile.
31 March 2020 | Op-ed
Op-ed by Alicia Bárcena, ECLAC Executive Secretary.
19 March 2020 | Press Release
ECLAC’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, warned that the region’s economies will suffer the pandemic’s negative consequences via numerous channels.