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Showing 1 to 19 of 19 results in 1 pages.
27 November 2012 | Fact sheet
Gráfico mostrando la evolución de la pobreza y de la indigencia en América Latina durante 1980-2012
8 November 2012 | Fact sheet
Road map for the formulation of an instrument on the application of Principle 10 in Latin America and the Caribbean
29 November 2011 | Fact sheet
Gráfico sobre la evolución de la pobreza y de la indigencia en América Latina durante el periodo 1980-2011
22 December 2010 | Fact sheet
Fact sheet. Macroeconomics for development: from "financierism" to "productivism"
22 December 2010 | Fact sheet
Fact sheet: World economic crises, scarce economic resources and the concentration of wealth
22 December 2010 | Fact sheet
Fact sheet. The paradox of progressivity in countries with low levels of taxation: Income tax in Guatemala
1 December 2010 | Fact sheet
Gráfico con la estimación correspondiente a 18 países de América Latina y el Caribe más Haití. Muestra cifras en porcentaje y número total de personas pobres (indigentes más pobres no indigentes).
3 September 2010 | Fact sheet
Evolución de la estructura de las exportaciones de bienes al mundo desde inicios de los años ochenta
31 May 2010 | Fact sheet
A fact sheet that collects data on income distribution between 2003-2008 shows that despite improvements in employment and labor income, social gaps in Latin America and the Caribbean remain huge.
31 May 2010 | Fact sheet
This fact sheet is based on Chapters III and IV of "Time for equality. Closing gaps, opening trails" collects data on the gaps in productivity of countries in the region.
31 May 2010 | Fact sheet
Fact sheet showing data supporting that inequality in the region originates from the labor market, since the quantity and quality of employment, and real wages, determine the material welfare of most households and are an essential element for achieving social cohesion. Data collected during the period 2004 - 2008.
4 de May de 2011 | Fact sheet
Fact sheet on China
4 de May de 2011 | Fact sheet
Fact sheet on software industry
28 de July de 2011 | Fact sheet
Gross international reserves
14 de January de 2010 | Fact sheet
Fact sheet about the economic and natural disasters situation in Haiti (in Spanish)
30 de August de 2011 | Fact sheet
South-South exchange is the principal driving force of global trade (in Spanish)
14 de May de 2013 | Fact sheet
Foreign direct investment by the European Union in Latin America and the Caribbean.
2 de October de 2012 | Fact sheet
The Countries of the Region Have Enough Fiscal Space for Facing External Adversity
28 de February de 2012 | Fact sheet
Graphs. Tax structures and tax revenues in Latin America and the Caribbean and OECD.