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28 August 2017 | Press Release
Authorities and international specialists participate in a seminar inaugurated on Monday at ECLAC’s headquarters in Santiago, Chile.
31 July 2017 | Press Release
Alicia Bárcena, the regional organization’s Executive Secretary, and Marina Arismendi, Uruguay’s Social Development Minister, signed an agreement today establishing that the gathering be held on October 25-27, 2017
Photo of a medical visit
14 June 2017 | News
The project was carried out under an agreement between the regional organization and the Uruguayan Ministry of the Economy and Finance.
25 May 2017 | Press Release
The fifty-fifth meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean was inaugurated today in Santiago, Chile.
Portada de publicación Hacia un desarrollo inclusivo: el caso del Uruguay
9 December 2016 | News
ECLAC presented a new study in conjunction with the ILO indicating that Uruguay’s labor and tax policies likely contributed to reducing the income differential.
28 October 2016 | Press Release
This is the principal outcome of the XIII Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, organized by ECLAC this week in Uruguay.
25 de October de 2016 | Speech
Intervención de Alicia Bárcena, Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL.
24 October 2016 | Press Release
In a new study released today, the regional organization details the enormous inequalities that are keeping women from exercising their physical, economic and political autonomy.
19 October 2016 | News
All the panel discussions and publication presentations will be transmitted live on the social networks under the hashtags #CRM13, #mujeresALC and #womenLAC.
logo of the conference
19 October 2016 | Announcement
On Tuesday 25 October, the intergovernmental meeting in Montevideo will be opened by President Tabaré Vázquez, together with other high-level authorities of Uruguay and representatives of United Nations agencies.
foto de una niña
11 de October de 2016 | News
En el Día Internacional de la Niña, la CEPAL llama a erradicar todas las formas de discriminación que pesan sobre este grupo de la población que suma 107 millones de personas en América Latina y el Caribe.
11 October 2016 | Infographic
Gender equality starts right from early childhood, meaning urgent action must be taken to eradicate all forms of discrimination that affect girl children and adolescents in the region.
Afiche del concurso sobre proyectos de investigación Juan Pablo Terra.
20 de September de 2016 | News
La iniciativa, que estará abierta hasta el 15 de noviembre, es organizada por el Instituto Humanista Cristiano “Juan Pablo Terra” junto a la CEPAL, UNICEF y UNFPA.
logo de la conferencia
15 de September de 2016 | Announcement
La actividad, que no tiene costo y cuenta con cupos limitados, se realizará de forma presencial y virtual el miércoles 28 de septiembre.
Mario Castillo, Jefe de la Unidad de Innovación y Nuevas Tecnologías de la División de Desarrollo Productivo y Empresarial de la CEPAL.
9 de September de 2016 | News
En el marco del Foro Cilac, que se realizó en Montevideo, Uruguay, el organismo regional de las Naciones Unidas llamó a construir un nuevo enfoque que permita la convergencia tecnológica en la región.
9 de September de 2016 | Press Release
El Secretario Ejecutivo Adjunto del organismo regional, Antonio Prado, expuso hoy en el marco de la Sexta Semana de las Normas Verdes que se realizó en Montevideo, Uruguay.
Trabajadores uruguayos protestan.
1 September 2016 | News
A study by the international organization describes the characteristics of that program, the evolution of its coverage, its utilization by companies and the profile of its beneficiaries.
1 September 2016 | Announcement
ECLAC and the Government of Uruguay will organize on October 25-28 the XIII Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, which will include a series of panel discussions and side events.
25 de July de 2016 | Press Release
La Presidenta de Chile, Michelle Bachelet, y la Secretaria Ejecutiva del organismo regional, Alicia Bárcena, participaron en el lanzamiento del informe Género en el Sistema Financiero de la SBIF.