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Showing 1921 to 1940 of 4567 results in 229 pages.
Participantes en la reunión binacional entre Haití y República Dominicana.
26 de May de 2017 | News
Con apoyo de la CEPAL, la Comisión Mixta Bilateral analizó propuestas para dar mayor transparencia, eficiencia y agilidad al movimiento de carga y de personas entre ambos países.
25 May 2017 | Press Release
The fifty-fifth meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean was inaugurated today in Santiago, Chile.
Foto del edificio de la CEPAL
25 de May de 2017 | Announcement
La construcción, considerada una de las máximas exponentes del movimiento arquitectónico moderno a nivel mundial, podrá ser visitada por la comunidad el domingo 28 de mayo.
24 May 2017 | Announcement
The United Nations regional commission’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, will hold a press conference on May 30 in Santiago, Chile.
El curso se realiza en la sede de la CEPAL en Santiago, Chile.
22 de May de 2017 | News
Las directoras de la División de Desarrollo Social y del Instituto Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Planificación Económica y Social (ILPES) dieron la bienvenida a 35 estudiantes de 14 países de la región.
22 de May de 2017 | Press Release
La frecuencia de desastres en América Latina y el Caribe ha aumentado 3,6 veces en medio siglo, y los niños y niñas experimentan sus efectos en forma desproporcionada, alertan ambos organismos de las Naciones Unidas.
19 May 2017 | Speech
Keynote Address by Antonio Prado, Deputy Executive Secretary of ECLAC, at the 18th CDCC Monitoring Committee.
19 May 2017 | Speech
Welcome Remarks by Antonio Prado, Deputy Executive Secretary of ECLAC.
Panel del seminario encabezado por Xavier Mancero, Jefe de la Unidad de Estadísticas Sociales de la División de Estadísticas de la CEPAL y Silvia Botello, Coordinadora del Grupo de Pobreza del Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadísticas (DANE) de Colombia.
19 de May de 2017 | News
La reunión forma parte de las actividades del Grupo de Trabajo sobre Estadísticas de Pobreza de la Conferencia Estadística de las Américas y fue co-organizada con el Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadísticas (DANE) de Colombia.
MonCom 2017 - group photo
19 May 2017 | News
ECLAC Caribbean convenes high-level meeting to discuss the subregion’s plans to aggressively pursue implementation of Agenda 2030 and the SDGs in this regard.
18 May 2017 | Press Release
ECLAC, the OECD Development Center and the European Commission call for renewed dialogue with middle-income countries.
18 May 2017 | News
ECLAC workshop provides a platform for Member States to discuss practical steps towards establishing national institutional frameworks for SDG implementation in the Caribbean.
17 May 2017 | Press Release
Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of the regional United Nations organization, met in Brussels with Neven Mimica, the European Union Commissioner in charge of International Cooperation and Development.
15 May 2017 | Press Release
The organization’s Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, indicated that Latin America and the Caribbean “cannot be left behind” during a high-level Forum held in Beijing.
banner english
15 May 2017 | News
Investments should total around 6.2% of GDP but by 2015 the amount was only 2.3%, according to the INFRALATAM database.
Personas caminando
11 de May de 2017 | News
La herramienta ofrece indicadores e información oficial respecto a cuatro dimensiones: jurídico-normativa, organizacional, técnico-operativa y fiscal.
11 de May de 2017 | News
La CEPAL, el Instituto Interamericano para la Investigación del Cambio Global y la Universidad de Alberta organizaron un seminario en Santiago, Chile.
11 May 2017 | Press Release
New ECLAC-ILO report indicates that the increase in average regional unemployment in 2016 was the biggest annual rise in two decades. It also includes an analysis regarding the characteristics of immigrants’ insertion in the world of work.
portada documento
10 de May de 2017 | News
El documento Las violencias en el espacio escolar fue presentado durante un seminario internacional realizado en la sede del organismo regional en Santiago, Chile.
9 May 2017 | Infographic
Many countries are in the early stages of conceptualizing a strategy for SDG implementation. Therefore, the importance of national mainstreaming of the SDGs is critical to have national ownership of the 2030 Agenda. As Governments undertake to mainstream the SDGs in their national development plans, it is important to ensure that national, subnational and subregional indicators, as well as data collection and reporting arrangements are designed and implemented in a way that will enable globally comparable and standardized statistics to be compiled by the National Statistical Systems (NSS) of Caribbean countries. For example, the crucial role of national institutional infrastructure to drive the SDGs must be emphasized. In addition, the importance of quality, timely and disaggregated data must be recognized and the capacity needed to collect, analyse and report data and statistics must be put in place.