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Showing 121 to 140 of 166 results in 9 pages.
29 June 2004 | Presiding officers
The Twenty-Two meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Council for Planning of the Latin American and Caribbean Institute for Economic and Social Planning (ILPES) was held within the framework of the thirtieth session of ECLAC, in accordance with resolution 581 (XXVIII), which stipulates...
6 November 2002 | Meetings of council
Madrid, España
8 April 2002 | Presiding officers
El Consejo Regional de Planificación (CRP) es el principal órgano Intergubernamental que orienta las actividades del Instituto. Sus reuniones ordinarias son cada cuatro año y está integrado por los Ministros o Jefes de Planificación de los 40 gobiernos miembros. La Mesa Directiva del CRP (MD/CRP)...
21 July 1994 | Meetings of council
Ciudad de México, México