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Showing 2001 to 2020 of 3187 results in 160 pages.
13 June 2016 | Meetings and technical symposiums
El Taller de trabajo convocado por parte de Venezuela, en su calidad de Coordinador del Grupo de Trabajo de Censos de la CEA CEPAL, en conjunto con CELADE (Secretaría Técnica del Grupo) y UNFPA, se concentra en brindar un espacio para el trabajo entre pares para construir una red de gestión de...
8 June 2016 | Meetings and technical symposiums
Rumbo a la 3ª reunión de la Conferencia Regional sobre Población y Desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe. El objetivo del taller es examinar y discutir los avances realizados hasta el momento en la preparación de la propuesta de indicadores para el seguimiento regional del Consenso de Montevideo...
1 June 2016 | Meetings and technical symposiums
The workshop is co-organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in partnership with the Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (TATT) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UNECLAC). Its primary purpose is to provide Caribbean...
25 May 2016 | Commitees
Item 8 of the Annotated Provisional Agenda
25 May 2016 | Meetings and technical symposiums
The goal of the meeting is to improve discussions about how the transformation of physical resources in modern society can contribute to address opportunities and challenges for sustainable development in Latin America. It also will contribute to strengthen an institutional network for the...
23 May 2016 | Sessions of the Commission
The session is the most important event of each biennium for ECLAC. It provides a forum for the consideration of issues of importance for the economic and social development of the countries of the region and an opportunity to review the progress of the Commission’s activities and oversee its work.
18 May 2016 | Meetings and technical symposiums
The International seminar Sustainable Development Goals and Building Futures for Latin America and the Caribbean will be held on the upcoming 18th and 19th of May in the mornings at the ECLAC headquarters in Santiago, Chile. The seminar proposes the creation of a space where to reflect on the...
18 May 2016 | Meetings and technical symposiums
17 May 2016 | Other events
El análisis sobre las reformas fiscales ambientales se ha convertido en una forma de expandir y llevar a la discusión pública la necesidad de implementar políticas públicas que incentiven el desarrollo sostenible en el mundo.
17 May 2016 | Meetings and technical symposiums
To date the technical work of the project has benefitted from inputs from Consultants, national energy policy makers, ECLAC specialists, and Regional Partners. It is anticipated that the technical and institutional resources of all of these partners would be applied in hosing this dialogue and...