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Annual Seminar on National Accounts for Latin America and the Caribbean, 2024: Towards the 2025 SNA

10 September 2024|Event

The annual Seminar on national accounts for Latin America and the Caribbean, 2024 is held in hybrid format (in-person and virtual) on 10 and 11 September 2024, at ECLAC headquarters.

In the 2024 edition of the annual Seminar on National Accounts for Latin America and the Caribbean, experts from across the region will gather to discuss key issues related to National Accounts. The focus will include advancements in the incorporation of elements from the SCN 2025, the revision of statistical frameworks, and the adoption of new methodologies and technologies in the field of national statistics. Additionally, the seminar will address the state of national accounts statistics in Latin America and the Caribbean, along with other relevant projects and topics, such as the results of the 2021 cycle of the International Comparison Program and the implementation of satellite accounts in specific areas.

10 Sep 2024

  • Opening

    09:00 to 09:20
    Welcome remarks by Javier Medina-Vásquez, Deputy Executive Secretary
    - Adoption of the agenda
  • Session 1: Status of the 2025 SNA update process

    09:20 to 11:10
    The 2025 SNA and its update process
    Measuring Natural Capital in SNA 2025 
    International Monetary Fund (IMF)
    Implementation plan for international statistical standards (MBP and SCN)
    Central Bank of Costa Rica
    Progress in the implementation of the new SNA 2025 recommendations in Costa Ricaa
         » Round of comments
  • Session 2: Review of statistical frameworks and new statistical topics on the global agenda

    11:25 to 12:20
    Overview of the process for updating international classifications
    Use of SDMX classifier in ECLAC developments
         » Round of comments
  • Session 3: 2008 SNA implementation in the region

    12:20 to 17:00
    Status of National Accounts statistics in Latin America and the Caribbean
    Change of reference year in Brazil
         » Round of comments
    Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (DANE), Colombia
    Environmental Accounts and progress in SCAE implementation in Colombia
    Central Bank of the Dominican Republic
    Directory and National Survey of MSMEs in the Dominican Republic
    Directory and National Survey of MSMEs in the Dominican Republic
    Bahamas National Statistical Institute
    Estimation of semiannual GDP using quarterly production indicators
         » Round of comments

11 Sep 2024

  • Session 3: 2008 SNA implementation in the region (cont.)

    09:00 to 10:00
    Latin America and the Caribbean Subnational accounts analysis
    Bank of Guatemala
    Subnational accounts in Guatemala
         » Round of comments
  • Session 4: Innovative methods to compile National Accounts

    10:00 to 11:10
    Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI), México
    Machine Learning in National Accounts. A leading indicator for private consumption in Mexico
    Central Bank of Costa Rica
    Use of artificial intelligence in National Accounts in Costa Rica
    Central Bank of Chile
    Retail online sales indicator
         » Round of comments
  • Session 5: Other projects

    11:25 to 15:40
    Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática (INEI), Peru
    OECD integration process, national accounts requirements in Peru
    Bioeconomy satellite account for selected countries in Latin America and the Caribbean
         » Round of comments
    Cultural statistics in Latin America and the Caribbean
    Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage of Chile
    Cultural Satellite Account in Chile
    Secretariat of Tourism of Mexico
    The State and Municipal Tourism GDP 2018-2022 in Mexicoo
         » Round of comments
    World Bank
    Update on activities of the International Comparison Program (ICP) and recent highlights
    Main results on the 2021 ICP Cycle in Latin America and the Caribbean
       » Round of comments
  • Final remarks

    15:40 to 16:40

    Conclusions and next steps

Practical information


Sede de la CEPAL, Santiago / Headquarters of ECLAC in Santiago
(Av. Dag Hammarskjöld 3477, Vitacura) 

Plataforma de conexión/Connection platform: ZOOM
Fecha/Date: 10 - 11 Sep 2024
Hora/Time: 09:00 - 18:00 hrs.  (Hora de Chile / Chile Time)
Idioma/Language: Español (interpretación simultánea) / English(simultaneous interpretation)
Nota/Note: Para pruebas de conexión, la sesión estará disponible 60 minutos antes de la hora de inicio programada.
For connection testing, the session will be available 60 minutes before the scheduled start time.