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International Seminar "Indigenous and Afrodescendent Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean: Relevance of Socio-demographic Information for Policies and Programs"

27 April 2005|Event

This seminar aspires to be a space for conversation and the exchange of experiences, lessons learned and information that will contribute to the updating of the state of knowledge of the socio-demographic situation, dimensions and characteristics of Indigenous and Afrodescendent Peoples in Latin America and the Caribbean. It will also include the preparation of recommendations geared towards the perfection of the instruments of collection, processing, diffusion and use of information, with an intercultural focus.

See attached file

Practical information

ECLAC/CELADE, Fondo para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas de América Latina y el Caribe, with the sponsorship of the government of France, UNFPA and the collaboration of CEPED