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Showing 1 to 10 of 10 results in 1 pages.
19 August 2019 | Workshop
This course is part of the technical assistance and teaching activities that CELADE-Population Division of ECLAC provides to national and international institutions of the region for the use and dissemination of statistics and socio-demographic information from each country.
8 April 2019 | Workshop
This course will deepen for a week on the definition of socio-demographic indicators and its statistical processing using the Redatam7 Process module.
7 May 2018 | Workshop
This course will deepen for a week on the definition of socio-demographic indicators and its statistical processing using the Redatam7 Process module.
21 August 2017 | Workshop
The objective of the workshop is to train participants in the creation of Redatam databases and the development of data dissemination Redatam web applications so that they can later incorporate what is learned in their respective countries and offices.
24 April 2017 | Workshop
This course will deepen for a week on the definition of socio-demographic indicators and its statistical processing using the Redatam7 Process module.
24 August 2016 | Course
El curso está dirigido a profesionales con título o grado universitarios, preferentemente vinculados a los organismos productores de estadísticas y análisis censal de los países de América Latina y el Caribe.
1 August 2016 | Course
The objective of the workshop is to train participants in the creation of Redatam databases and the development of data dissemination web applications so that they can later incorporate what was learned in their respective countries and offices.
10 August 2015 | Workshop
El Centro Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Demografía (CELADE)-División de Población de la CEPAL desarrollará entre el 10 y el 19 de agosto la versión 2015 de este taller que se realizará en Santiago de Chile.
4 May 2015 | Workshop
En este curso se profundizará durante una semana el trabajo de definición de indicadores sociodemográficos y procesamiento estadístico utilizando el módulo Redatam Process. Se dará énfasis al procesamiento y análisis de información proveniente de censos de población y vivienda y de encuestas e...