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About Statistics



To promote the creation and use of internationally comparable, accurate and timely statistical information of relevance in the formulation, follow-up and evaluation of economic, social and environmental development policies in the region.


  • To build national statistical capacities and harmonize methodologies used in national statistical information systems on the basis of international and regional standards.
  • To promote the Statistical Conference of the Americas of ECLAC as a regional forum for discussion and decision-making, cooperation and the sharing of expertise.
  • To systematize, validate, aggregate and disseminate regionally comparable economic, social and environmental data.
  • To cooperate with other multilateral agencies in drawing up and disseminating methodological and operational recommendations on economic, social and environmental statistics.
  • To support research on the economic, social and environmental development of the region.


Three main lines of action are followed:
  1. Promoting best practices and disseminating internationally comparable methodologies.
  2. Providing advisory and technical cooperation services to strengthen countries’ technical and institutional capacities in the statistical field and facilitate horizontal cooperation and the sharing of expertise.
  3. Carrying out methodological development activities (proposing and adapting indicators).


National statistical institutions, central banks and specialized government agencies in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, and organizations from the private sector, academia and civil society.